Ginsbergs beard
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I wonder if there will ever be a film representation of that pathetically hilarious, pleading, "peace offering" letter that Ginsberg wrote to the Hells' Angels back in the mid-60s, chronicled in Hunter S. Thompson's "Hell's Angels." That was one of the most pathetic things I'd ever read in my life.
shareHe was a pacifist man of course he didn't want the hells agents beating up all the hippies. I'd forgot all about this but rereading it Ginsberg comes off like a crazy love soldier, much better than the hells angels do.
To be fair, I should point out that I don't necessarily have anything against pacifists, I'm not right-wing at all, and I think the Hell's Angels were basically white trash scumbags--in fact, I was relieved at the end of that book when Hunter S. Thompson (who I've always considered obnoxiously over-worshipped) gets the living crap kicked out of him by the Angels, because he spends the whole book annoyingly praising the Angels just by virtue of the fact that they scare the crap out of "squares," whom HST hated too much. His constant rationalizations of the Angels' ugly debaucheries and torment of normal people were enough to make him look like a fool periodically throughout the book (which is still an interesting read, in spite of its obnoxious author's annoying writing style--ditto for "The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test" whose author was even worse.)
No, I just thought it was pathetic that Ginsberg even thought for a second his little letter would work. It was like Stuart Smalley trying to talk down an obnoxious drunk in a bar.