MovieChat Forums > On the Road (2012) Discussion > Worst movie ive seen in years....

Worst movie ive seen in years....

...what a waste of time. Boring boring boring lame. Party, alcohole and trivial, irrelevant trash talk.

Actors are very shallow, not talented at all. And Kristen Stewart proves not only her non-existing talent but also very much her new title as unsexiest woman alive! bravo.

switched Tv off about halway through the "movie" (not even a story was presented)- couldnt bear it anymore.

Poor Kerouac - I always loved his work...


You saw this on your TV? Are you in the USA?


some call them, "monitors" but TV's are crucial to making a DVD player worth while. Sorry for being a smartass if you weren't :P


Best to go back to horror and hobbits then. Obviously intellectually much closer to your level.



I made no such assumption. I do however regard as less than meaningful a comment from a person who by his own admission watched only half a film and then decided he knew enough to make snide comments about it.

FWIW I watched it all and found it dull, uninteresting and dreary. But then I've always considered Kerouac vastly overrated anyway, and this film did him no favours, losing $20 million in the process.

I do hope you're not going to be trailing after me like a little doggy. I've had a few of those in the past and they're really sad little people.



Check his post record. Then STFU. You've become tedious.



I dont feel that Kerouac is vastly overrated. Writing is exceptionally tough. Not many people can write books and do a decent job much less do as well as Kerouac. Have you written any books lately? Damn. Artists really get the shaft dont they. Ive recently taken up story telling as a writer and its insanely difficult.

I guess writers will write and talkers will talk?


Writing is exceptionally tough. Duh, breaking news. You don't agree Kerouac is vastly overrated? Fine, that's your opinion. It's not shared by an increasing number of people, although he will always have his supporters and that's fine too.

It's called an opinion. Just because you have pretensions in that direction doesn't make yours more valid than someone with a PhD in modern English literature.


Writing is something I picked up because I found a way to make some serious dough doing it. I have no pretensions in that direction. lol. You sound so smart. Its a shame you dont seem to be able to display much sincerity or heart here. And I dont see how wise it is sum up Kerouacs life work with just a few sentiments. I guess you got it all figured out though

Its ridiculous to fight on here and make enemies, I'll tell ya that. I dont know why you waste such precious time in these endeavors. I bet if we met in person theres a decent chance wed get along. You have to have more heart than youve shown here.


I've been on this site for more than 13 years, with this and a different name. I don't need some clown telling me about fighting and making enemies. For starters I'm not making enemies - or wouldn't if people (read amerikans) didn't have such tissue-thick skin, and I'm not interested in fighting.It's a complete waste of time on the 'net.

I am however sick of that section of amerikan society - usually the most ignorant of the 37% who are functionally illiterate - who think the country still has power and moral authority. Like it or lump it, I could care less.

Don't tell me about heart, sunshine. I have children, I have grandchildren, I've had a great career running my own businesses and I don't need some self-important little putz dishing out the advice.


self-important? lol. You really dont know me. If you knew me I MIGHT be offended. Its these kinds of generalizations a person with a PHD should stay clear of..right? Odds are you very well may be more intelligent than me. Now would someone so self important say that? Ive met plenty of people more intelligent than me. ;^) Besides..doesnt everyone feel some self importance? You sure seem to

If you find that you are so tired of the ignorant opinions and blustery pompenstance that you find on the internet than do something more worthwhile. I have to all the time. I completely understand.

Did I not say that you must have some heart somewhere?


No, intelligence per se doesn't do it for me. I found out many years that having an IQ in the top percentile just means you're good at doing IQ tests, it tells you zip about an individual and usually works against their better interests.

I stopped posting here, by and large, some time ago when I realised what a waste of time it was. I've made some good friends here, but increasingly the game is not worth the candle.

Parting is such sweet sorrow ...


I can understand where you are coming from for sure. Kerouacs On the Road isnt the best story ever told. And many people on here seem to imply that his story recounts a life that is something to aspire to..

"Silences crossed by Worlds and by Angels" - Arthur Rimbaud


Hey, As we speak.. Im on a television set shooting/working and the waiting is killing me. Im trying to occupy some of my time and get out of my own head a bit. ahaha. Sorry if Im annoying you


No, you're not really annoying me, but thanks for the thought. Actually I'm taking a break from a Skype call I make weekly to friends in Hong Kong and Kyoto and one of them is definitely going to get a mouthful fairly soon.

I binned my TV some years ago but I watch a few US series, and TV is, to generalise, far better than a lot of Hollywood right now. Our TV output seems to be losing its way, but that's what you get when you pitch at certain demographics.

The US has had - and has - some magnificent authors, but Kerouac is not among them. If you want shock value Miller did it so much better. At the moment two of my top three fiction authors are reaching their best-by dates, which is sad. I refer to Elmore Leonard, James Lee Burke and Carl Hiaasen.

Good luck with the TV and fare thee well.


I usually work on Indy films when I do work. Tv is hopefully nothing I will be a part of for any considerable amount of time. Im actually helping a friend with his project and working behind the scenes as well as in front of the camera briefly. Hes pitching a series to the sci fi channel. We are shooting six episodes in a three week period of time.

I think youre right about Tv. Its actually whippin up on film as of late but both are awfully lacking. So much so that Ive been slowly but surely losing interest in my very own profession.

Ill keep those authors you mentioned in mind


Elmore Leonard is the finest writer of dialogue I've ever seen. He's had a tough few years - decades more like - where nobody could film his stuff, but that's changed a little now. Currently he's heavily involved with Justified which is based on his work.

Nobody has been able to film anything by James Lee Burke, which is a great shame. It took him a long time to gain the recognition he deserved, but he has a considerable corpus of work behind him now.

Hiaasen is a very amusing author who detests Disney. That's got to count for something.


Oh really! That was supposed to be an insult or something??




i agree, this movie is terrible, BUT i think kristen's pretty good, it's just that the material was beyond any actor's reach. very poor.


soooooo true!!!!!


Couldn't disagree more w/the OP. To each their own.

"The world is coming to an end. So where would you rather die, here or in a Jaeger?"


haha, just returned by coincidence, looking for an old thread on the BrBa board and found this!

1. ) someone asked: no, iam not a native English speaker

2.) thanks for the support from all of you, as I had an obvious troll in here, trying to insult me. Best thing is, I didnt even notice, because movie and anything related to it just flushed down the memory synapses,like *beep* in the toilet. But- oh its late now - I really should go back into my horror/fantasy-corner - haha.(I would love to meet some people here in reality, these surprises...)


...what a waste of time. Boring boring boring lame. Party, alcohole and trivial, irrelevant trash talk.

Actors are very shallow, not talented at all. And Kristen Stewart proves not only her non-existing talent but also very much her new title as unsexiest woman alive! bravo.

Agree. Agree. Agree.

I finally watched this movie hoping to take something positive away. It was horrible. I should preface this by telling you that I was not a fan of the book, either. I read it two times at different junctures of my life because after reading it the first time, I just didn't get what the fuss was about. Then when I heard there was going to be a movie made, I re-read it for the third time....still.don'

Garrett did an okay job with what he had to work with as did Tom Sturridge and Sam Riley. Kirsten Dunst was good...she usually is. Kristen Stewart is just terrible.

Iconic? I don't think so... but then who am I to say. jmho.


Well you didn't like the book so....

I thought Kristen Stewart was wonderful (and hot) She and Garret were Best In Show. Viggo and Steve Buscemi also stole their scenes.



Wow, thanks for the head's up. That definitely isn't normal behaviour. It's so obvious as she praises every other actor and then completely dismisses Kristen. Does she have nothing better to do at 60? Her husband must be whipped (or very scared). Cheers!


LiberationXO, I agree with you about Viggo and SB. Of couse, I think Viggo steals the scene is every movie he's in. Plus, he's pretty beautiful. Lol.


Well after reading what you are like towards your celeb crush's girlfriends I am screaming "watch out Viggo's girlfriend!".
