MovieChat Forums > On the Road (2012) Discussion > Why was Sal disapproving of Dean?

Why was Sal disapproving of Dean?

After Dean had sex with Steve Buscemi, we see Dean trying to justify himself in front of Sal at the diner, saying he did it for them, to make 20 bucks and then storming off when Sal doesn't respond.

I didn't understand why Sal was cross with Dean at that moment. I don't think it was because Dean had extramarital sex because Sal was okay with Dean having an extramarital affair with Marylou. I also don't think it was because Dean had sex with a man because Sal was well aware of Dean's bisexuality and was accepting of Dean and Carlo's relationship.

The only reason I can think of is that Sal was cross with Dean because he was still trying and willing to earn easy money (to later spend on drugs and life's pleasures) instead of focusing on his family and working hard for a living. But I'm not sure if that's the actual reason.

So what are your thoughts on why Sal was disapproving of Dean? Did I miss something?


It's funny too, because I don't remember this being in the book, but I read it years ago, although I think it's mentioned but not described. I think Dean was more upset about Sal prostituting himself. I know Keruoac always had an obscure view of prostitution, and looking at it as an unholy means to an end, essentially. So I think they were trying to portray that, while also giving Sal's recklessness a push into the dark. I think at this point, you're supposed to realize that Sal has no standards when it comes to scoring some easy cash, and doesn't respect himself enough or have the willpower to turn it down. All marital unfaithfulness aside, all drug abuse aside, this is Sal selling himself, body and spirit, and I think Dean is disgusted by the fact he's doing it for money rather than love or pleasure or lust and passion, as with Mary Lou. I'm no expert, but hopefully this helps you come up with a better explanation.


Ackley Kid, please go back and edit your post if you want to make any sense. You have the names "Sal" and "Dean" completely turned around for almost all of it.

"I don't deduce, I observe."
