Was this a comedy

Girl With the Pouty Lip

An insufferably arrogant actress putting all around her down, why

Totally fake account of a brilliant painter living in a house of morons and creeping around

Bordering on satire, the entire look of the film borrowed from Vermeer paintings




Gee, a movie about Vermeer that looks like a Vermeer painting! You were expecting maybe Andrew Wyeth?


I like this movie a lot (it even looks like a painting), but feel Scarlett Johanssen was miscast.


I thought Scarlett Johanssen conveyed strong emotional feelings with amazing finesse. So much was bubbling beneath the surface, yet never spoken. They were all living under the iron will of the mother-in-law and the rich patron, yet successfully conveyed strong desires with their understated performances.

Rest in peace, Roger Ebert. You were the best.
