MovieChat Forums > The Punisher (2004) Discussion > Most underrated comic movie EVER.

Most underrated comic movie EVER.

Without a doubt this is the most underrated comic book movie EVER.

So why did it not do so well? Simple, it was before its time. This movie came out in an era when comic book movies weren't doing much. Keep in mind, Iron Man Came out FOUR long years after this, which was the first giant Comic book hit... and Superman Returns (which at the time was seen as a mild success, especially among critics) in 2007. This movie was released in 2003-2004, and no one wanted to see comic book heroes, let alone ones cracking skulls! With the recent success of DEADPOOL, I believe this movie would be huge now.

The premise was very realistic and gritty, something that many of the modern comic fans crave. Why do we love Batman? He is a normal (except rich lol) guy who has a tragic past, and doesn't use any powers...the Punisher is even more relatable as his not even rich, just a guy...just a former law enforcement officer!

It's got the "Everyman" quality going for it, it's got the gritty realistic element going for it, and it's based in our own world, with a man fighting to "Punish" those who killed his could this not be a monster hit now days!?

Then take Thomas Jane, who I believe was born to play this role, as much as Reynolds was born to play DEADPOOL! If you need anymore proof of that, watch "Punisher - Dirty Laundry" on YouTube and then come back...ill wait...*does a little dance*.... Do dee do doo bop boop be doo....oh hi, welcome back!! Did I tell you or what!? He was born for the role.

Then my last point is kind of just a mix of all my previous points. The movie is so gritty, I can't push this point enough! The fact that you have a broken man, the only thing he lived for was his family, and now his family is gone. And he's ANGRY, Frank Castle is gone along with his family, he's now. I love that, I love that he isn't on a mission of redemption, or of just "getting the bad guys" he's on a ruthless mission to PUNISH everyone just as they've done to him, he will take from them what they've taken from him, and he's not going to show mercy.

He isn't looking to just help out innocent people, intact he only really goes out of his way to help one woman, and it's only because the guy is in his way. Nothing comes of him helping her, not any romance...nothing! Nothing except one cheesy dinner that's meaningless. I
Love when a movie doesn't need a male lead (I'm a female so I'm not being sexist here lol) doesn't need a love interest! He's not interested in love.

It just gives the film such gritty situations! It's so dark, it's so real, it doesn't apologize for the intense violence, and it doesn't try to send any kind of message about "doing what's right".

Superhero movies didn't even come into their own long after Iron Man. Keep in mind even the first Captain America was only a moderate success, not anymore so than The Punisher, or Superman Returns.

This movie failed for one reason only...wrong place, wrong time. Which is so sad...Travolta was such a great bad guy, as he always is...Jane was such an amazing Punisher! (War zone SUCKED!)

Why did I love The Dark Knight movies? The same reason I loved Man of Steel, and the same reason I loved this...because it's not about "saving the world" or the flashy colors. It's about humanity, the very best and the very worst of humanity. Comic book movies are best when they don't try to be comics.

Anyways, sorry if I've repeated myself a couple of times, I probably have lol. I just love this movie so much, (and it hurts me to say that as I am a 100% DC fan-girl till I die!)

I can't understand why so many people don't like this film!? What is it? Is it TOO serious? The Punisher IS a serious character, he's not a goofy, silly character...he originally wasn't even a "good guy" ...he was created to kill Spider-Man for God sake!

If anyone disagrees with me, I will respect your opinions but I am very curious as to why you may not have liked this movie? To me this character is a lot what an "adult version" of Batman could/should be! Maybe not as vicious, as Batman isn't a total lost soul his entire life, but as far as the gritty nature.

Thoughts!? (I know this was long AF, sorry lol I am kind of a rambler)


I agree with a lot of what you've wrote here. I love this film too (Saw it opening day) and Tom Jane was a great Frank Castle/Punisher imo. He is easily my favorite screen version of the character and will always be the Punisher to me. I do realize the movie wasn't 100% comic accurate, but I wasn't really bothered by it (I've come to expect it). It was close enough for me and I say that as a big fan of the comics.

I'm not really sure why this film gets the hate it does, but I don't really think it's because it came out at the wrong time. X-Men(2000), X-2(2003) and Spider Man(2002)were released within years of the Punisher film and were well received. Spider Man 2(2004)was released the same year as the Punisher and was also well received. I will say that the Punisher was a departure in tone from popular comic book based films at the time so maybe that's why it didn't do as well. That's just my thoughts though.

I've already seen the Dirty Laundry short so there was no need for me to look it up. Consequently I was still here while you did that little dance. You were impressive and I give you an 8 out of 10. I would have given you a 10 out of 10 but now I have that "Do dee do doo bop boop be doo" song stuck in my head and I had to dock you a couple points for it 
I liked the Dirty Laundry short film quite a bit too and appreciate Tom Jane's dedication to the character. That fight was absolutely brutal and extremely satisfying. I would love another Tom Jane Punisher film or even a series, but it seems very doubtful unfortunately.
Jane did do voice work for a Punisher video game released back in 2005. The game acted as a sequel of sorts to the film and Jane gave a great voice over performance. If you're into that sort of thing you should check it out. Here's a link to a YouTube video featuring all the games cut scenes.

It was a good game with a good story that featured some other Marvel characters as well.


(Saw it opening day)

The movie being discussed here is "The Punisher" (2004) NOT "Saw." Yes, they both came out the same year, but the similarities end there.


"This movie failed for one reason only...wrong place, wrong time."

Good post. I agree, this was ahead of its time considering the direction Watchmen, the Dark Knight films and now Deadpool have taken. And I'll never understand why someone as charismatic as Thomas Jane didn't become famous after a role like this.

I actually liked it more than your average Marvel movie today, and possibly more so than the Dark Knight films (of which I'm not really a fan), precisely for the reasons you mentioned. I think part of the charm of comic books is that they read like serious dramas, even though the concepts were fantastical in nature. Being too serious can be a drawback if the film tries to be deeper than it should be (that's where I think the Dark Knight went wrong), but at the same time I feel like the Marvel movies these days have no edge at all. They're pretty much family films in tone. To be honest, that's how I felt about Deadpool, despite all the profanity, violence and dirty jokes it still never felt as gritty as Punisher.

I have hopes for Suicide Squad. They're promising a dark film, so it won't be as cheesy as say the Avengers, but I'm hoping it won't be too preachy like the Dark Knight. The cast mostly looks great.

See you in hell, candy boys!


I agree 100% with you!!! Thanks for saying what was in my mind all this time!!!


Thank you. I love this movie. Granted, I'm a big fan of vengeance movies, and I'm quite partial to Thomas Jane in everything he does, but this movie has it all. Violence, gore, and sweet, sweet revenge. The scene where he lists off to Travolta all the things he's taken from him is so chilling and gratifying. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch this again.


Thank you for posting this well written essay! Couldn't have said it better myself.

So why did it not do so well? Simple, it was before its time.

You hit the nail on the head with this one and it's very unfortunate. With the onslaught of comic book adaptations that have been getting released for the past seven years in theaters it's not until now that fans are wanting something a little different than the typical formulaic action packed blockbusters that we see over and over again. The Punisher and maybe along with Ang Lee's 2003 psychological take on the Hulk would have probably been a bit more well received today but back then more fans wanted non stop action and feel good fun as opposed to a comic book film that tried to be more thoughtful to the viewer.

The Punisher had the potential to be a suspenseful military drama with some good action pieces and later crime noir if the film had continued the way Jane had wanted but the studio saw the numbers and felt audiences wanted something more like the failed and cartoonish War Zone.

As a Punisher fan this is quite devastating to me as I felt Jane had the right look and heart to portray Castle as the cunning former military strategist that drove both criminals and super heroes up the walls. The 2004 film got me to read decades worth of Punisher back issues of the comics and got me to see that the character was an intelligent and even sharp sense of humored sympathetic antihero and not just some goon with a broken nose and gun that many 80s comic book covers liked to portray him as.


For me its Bernthal, Janes (VERY close 2nd) Lundgren and Stevenson. Bernthal is number one inly because he has a show to help develop the character more. But Jane is definitely my fave of the movies. He was so methodical and intelligent with how he exacted his Punishment. And the villains were spot on. Believable whereas Warzone was just horrid. Jigsaw and LBJ were jokes.


I did not enjoy Bernthal's Punisher at all. Ok, not 100% true. I enjoyed him a lot. He is a great actor and played the part very well. The problem was that it did not really fit the whole concept behind the character as I understand it.

Bernthal's Punisher was always angry and prone to outbursts of rage. He lost control several times throughout the show. It just seemed at odds with a character who claims that he is not about revenge.

Jane's performance as the cold killer fit that a lot better. He really portrayed that character who had no intention of avenging his family but rather wanted to punish the guilty and just decided to start with the saints.


Also can't believe this came out just a year after DareDevil. Writing was so much better. Just watched the Affleck DareDevil and while it wasn't bad, the writing was awful. Like when he was describing his superhuman senses when he was adapting to his blindness. Just sounded elementary. But this movie had good action, pretty good acting and good writing.


It's actually grown in popularity as years have went on. I love it and think people gave way too hard of a time.
