How was this film received outside the United States?
I know the Cannes screening was an absolute disaster, but after Gallo cut the film and it was released in that version, what was reception like in other countries BESIDES the United States (UK, France, Russia, Japan, wherever)?
The film was panned by many critics here in the States, but I think moviegoers were much more angered/negative toward the film. I read that a magazine in France named the film one of the ten best of the year, which I thought was very interesting; I'm having trouble tracking down other info though about the film's reception throughout the world. The sex scene caused a ruckus here in America and a lot of people shot the film down, so I'm curious of other perspectives from outside the country.
I know that the US is somewhat uptight about sex/nudity in film, so that may be part of the issue. Aside from that is the film's unconventionality— this film doesn't appeal to the big blockbuster type crowed.
Anyway, I'm curious about anyone who can give me some input on this; if you're from a different country and saw the film and/or remember its release, was it a well-received movie? Did you like it? Thank you!
¡Buena suerte!