Vicent Gallo is selfish
He only made this movie as an excuse to get blown.
"I'm gonna give you a little somethin' you can't take off. "
He only made this movie as an excuse to get blown.
"I'm gonna give you a little somethin' you can't take off. "
The excuse is ok, because it resulted in a masterpiece. We need more selfish geniuses.
shareBecause watching Vincent Gallo race, have sex and be depressed is very artistic. Please..
"I'm gonna give you a little somethin' you can't take off. "
Look, he's doing a typical guy thing, blaming his girlfriend for being raped. He walks away thinking she's a crazy-addict in a gang bang. He comes back: she has choked on her own vomit (most likely from a gag reflex) and died. Bud Clay is not simply depressed because his girlfriend left him.
The whole movies adds up to Bub Clay wanting to find a daisy, but daisy is dead. It's not a romance; it's a heartbroken trying to get over something you don't get over. There are other themes beyond the plot, and I'd have to think more carefully to appropriately put them into words, which I'm not about to do on here because there's no payoff.
I hate heroes. They always end up being rapists.
Oral sex ?
*beep* you, Mr. Bitey!"[/b][/i][/black]
Perhaps. Except for the fact that she was PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD. That changes everything. So he's pissed off that he perceives her having an orgy / cheating on him. Whatever the case, he should have walked in there and taken her out - to protect his unborn child, if nothing else. The hell are you talking about, it's her fault for being raped? That's a sick statement.
Provehito in Altum
No, Grimm, you missed the point. To blame a rape victim, for being raped, IS sick, but rape victims are, with too much regularity, treated as though they wanted it--even by the police. That's why many rapes go unreported.
That's the way Bud was thinking.
Carpe Noctem!
"No, Grimm, you missed the point. To blame a rape victim, for being raped, IS sick, but rape victims are, with too much regularity, treated as though they wanted it--even by the police. That's why many rapes go unreported.
That's the way Bud was thinking."
If that is the case, then I digress and apologize for my misconception.
> He only made this movie as an excuse to get blown.
I'm sure with the movie's budget of $10 million he could get blown several times instead of just once.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?