All the wrong reasons

I saw this film last summer and was completely speechless by the time it was over, and I've been defending it ever since because I feel it is a very emotionally-striking piece of work. Anyway, I watched the film again in its entirety for the first time since then, and it was even rougher than I remembered. What I wanted to say though, was that all of the controversy and hype around "the scene" really has shot this movie dead. All of the fuss that was made (and is still made) about the sex scene has brought hoards of viewers who are watching the film for the entirely wrong reasons, therefore the majority of the people who see the film now miss its point and just want the cheap thrill of seeing Chloë Sevigny give a blow job. Does this kind of disappoint anyone else?

¡Buena suerte!



I had the same experience when I cried very intensely during the sex scene in Monster's Ball between Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thorton - and then I felt so hollow when I saw some "child" in the message board about that film "see only" the sex and comment on it like he was in grade 1.
