Plastic Penis

I've just seen the film and I have to say that I am absolutely sure that they used a plastic penis for the "famous" BJ-scene. When she sucks his penis, its skin doesn't move at all. Furthermore, he has his hand on the thing ALL the time as if he wanted to hide something. Why would he put his hand around his cock while she gives him a blow? It doesn't make any sense.

The fellatio is real. I have no doubt. But the penis is definitely fake!


I employ the same technique when getting, ahem, you know. Not sure why it's so hard to believe that it's real. And I would think that Ms. Sevigny would have come out and said it was fake, seeing how it caused her agency to drop her.


Obviously the BJ-scene and the scandal it caused were used to promote the film. Her contract most likely forced her to keep quiet about this.


I've read on the web that there were MORE EXPLICIT scenes not used in the movie. Could those outtakes have been what caused her agency to drop her ?


the scene is real you morons
