MovieChat Forums > The Brown Bunny (2003) Discussion > WTF? (Why The Fluffing...)

WTF? (Why The Fluffing...)

It's obvious that The Director, Mr. Gallo is rather overly proud of the fact that he is "well hung"... But looking at Mr. Gallos use/abuse of Sevignys pathological quest for degradation ("Kids" et al), and calling it "art" is ridiculous in the extreme. I find it rather sad that so many "independent" filmmakers seem to reduce them self's to the lowest common denominator; sex. And not "happy-sex" either!

Hallo! "Porn" stopped being "radical" five minutes after the first screening of "Deep Throat" in 1972...

"We are not amused". In fact "we're" appaled.
Without the surprisingly graphic sex scenes the film might have manged to tell me something about "messing-up-your-life-and-being-unable/unwilling-to-do-something-about it" or some other silly "angry-young-man/big girl's blouse cry-baby"-thing, witch quite frankly bores the living daylights out of me.
Grow up. Be a man. And keep your're pants on, for Jeebus's sake, why don't you!

Since I certainly enjoy the male "physic"; Mr. Ewan McGregor is another actor who takes great pride in his large "equipment", as seen in - the very much independent - Peter Greenaways' "The Pillow Book". Now THAT'S art! ;0)

"Decapitation is, in most instances, associated with a decline in IQ"...


Sir, does this mean that Ann Margaret's not coming?


"Madam", if you please! Of Ann Margaret I know nothing. Except that she was "The Bomb" when my father was my age...

"Decapitation is, in most instances, associated with a decline in IQ"...



Age does not always make wise, it can also make jaded...
I'm sorry for comming on so strong, it might mean that I got a bit engaged, and that doesn't happen to often anymore...
I've been a movielover since I was a kid (half past eight at The Dawn of Man) and since then I've been critic, actor, producer, screenwriter, caterer, costumer, production assistent and designer too. In no particular order, and only slightly (in)famous as a film critic. We who cannot do, criticize...

And I'm norwegian. And 43. And a woman. And a science fiction nerd.
"Pushing the boundaries" in this way (with "porn")is probably more provocative in the USA than here in the "naughty north". It's been a while since I found a movie worth commenting like I did, so there you go. It's not that I'm a prude, I just want to be told good stories I can relate to as a human being - without labels like "woman/man" or "young/old".
Mr. Gallos movie didn't do it for me, but I'm very glad if you came away with something. Movies are probably humanity's best invention after books and indoor plumbing!
Have a nice day!

"Decapitation is, in most instances, associated with a decline in IQ"...


Here's my take on this - I recently saw an online reference to Chloe Sevigny's performance, awarding her "best mainstream hummer". So I queued it up on Netflix, expecting a typical R-Rated softcore scene. I was surprised at how graphic it was. Not offended, just surprised.

That being said, this movie DRAGGED on so slowly, I thought I was watching a bunch of postal employees on Valium. I would have applauded this story with the following changes: Had it been done as a 20-30 minute vignette within a multi-part film, take out the graphic scene, and get a director who's not "full of himself" and it would have meant something. But in this "wrapper", the story becomes lost in tediusly boring, self serving, gratuitous pablum.

Just my $0.02

AHH HA HAAAAA! Mine is an evil laugh!


That was a 'Full Metal Jacket' reference, that uncloned made, that flew right over your head.

I would say something like 'get out more', but I'm not sure anything could help at this point.



I don't want to beat up on or denigrate Mr. Gallo, but without the oral sex scene, there wasn't much to remember about this movie.

Having said that the fellatio scene ties in a few elements of the film and puts them in context, thus giving it some meaning.

And watching Chloe Sevigny giving a guy a bj isn't the worst thing I'm going to experience.


You keep using "quotes." "I do not think it means what you think it means."


And just when I had regained my faith in keeping a tread troll-free for at least 10 messages... """""""""""!
Have a really, really nice day, and try to enjoy life! It's difficult, but in the end much more rewarding than spending valuable time commenting on how people write instead of trying to see what they are trying to "say"...

"Decapitation is, in most instances, associated with a decline in IQ"...


Sorry, I was just kidding around, couldn't resist making the Inigo Montoya reference, it just popped in my head. Didn't mean to be condescending or anything, just trying to be humorous. After all, I'm a sci-fi nerd too.


I've seen the clip but not the movie.

It seems to me the clip uses the language of porn but it's not porn. Notice how he never takes his hand off his c--k, he never lets her be in control. Notice that it doesn't look like he even came. I think that's the point of the scene and the movie. Every woman I've ever been with has told me there was one, maybe two guys in their past they just couldn't get off. Some guys just aren't able to surrender to a woman who has surrendered to him and wants nothing more than to just give him pleasure. And that's what the movie seems to be about, how a guy can mind f--k himself out of getting what he thought he wanted, and how very painful and sad that experience can be.



pretty succinct review, smithrs. i'll admit that ten years on i was only watching because i couldn't really believe what i'd read in a review about 'the' scene. but yeah, your last sentence sums up the film well. from the opening scene, to the girl in the service station, to the whore at the truck stop, to the hotel scene bud is just doing the same thing over and over. i didn't like it and i don't think it's a good film, but i don't think it's the total piece of rubbish it's made out to be.


Smithrs, apart from raising this thread from the dead, I would say that the more frequent reason a man doesn't finish is because the woman is just not that good at it. The women you knew who said otherwise needed to work on their technique, not their psycho-analysis.


Everyone seems to be so hung up (no pun intended) on the bj scene! Remember though, he only imagined it! It was only a fantasy! Why didn't he get off!? Cause she wasn't really there! It was only him and his hand!


I've watched this scene many many times* and I disagree that he didn't "get off."

Near the end of the scene Chloe blinks and seems to take his ejaculate into her mouth which she then swallows.

Why on Earth she agreed to do this hardcore scene is anyone's guess.

*for research purposes only


Oh, she's a swallower, alright.

She did last night.....


our society is way to uptight about sex and nudity, theres nothing wrong with what she did or what image it gives off, if anything it gives a more accurate depiction of the real world.


They really did make sex boring.


The very catholic O* made four posts in 7 year among which 4 on 'Brown Bunny' :-)) She is indeed a great contributor. May her soul rest in peace =-)

But all kidding aside this movie could have been so much better with tighter editing, now it is more 'looong ado about nothing', interesting premise but too little in there to hold one's interest.


You consider him well hung?

How small is your cock you little *beep*

