MovieChat Forums > Dr. Phil (2002) Discussion > Where did the old Dr. Phil go??????

Where did the old Dr. Phil go??????

I wonder where the old Dr Phil has gone. His shows are not like they were when he began in season 1. 
He used to be there to help the guests and help educate viewers. 
And slowly and gradually as time went on you could see him change and the change isn't a good one. He used to be there for his guests but now he is a bully and only he and the people he hand picks are knowledgeable. The guests know nothing and he bullies his way through. If you watch season 1 and on you see the slippery slope he talks about but it doesn't apply to the guests it applies to him and his work ethic. He could care less about guests. He cares about himself and his ratings. 

And as the years went on he got caught up with tinsle town. Friends with actors and musicians. And his gazillion books with his know it all beliefs but sold under his sons publishing company. The show has become an hour long infomercial centering around himself his oldest son and his wife. He rushes through guests in need to sell his wares. 
He just did it on the last episode where the mom is a drinker and embezzled money from work and spent time in jail. Rush through and male time for his wife's skin care line. Her makeup line and stupid bandaids and kleenex *beep* All of them with stupid names. And of course a.million books he's written and that is mentioned every day. Toot toot he.loves to blow his horn. Toot toot 

And his go to phrases do make a lovely drinking game. Drink a shot every time you hear his phrases such as: dual diagnosis. The list is lengthy and one can get pretty wasted especially when he rushes through to bring on the wife. 
I will have to make a.list and game and perhaps go on dragons den lmao 

He needs to get his head out of his ass and go back to actually giving a *beep* about people and helping them. If he can't do that he should just shut down. 15 years does not.look good. You usually see improvements when working at something for 15 years. Why does he get it so wrong? Definitely not a true professional. 

P.S. if you engage in a Dr. Phil drinking game don't drink and drive. Be safe out there


You've got to remember, first and foremost, this is nothing more than entertainment. It's not a self help show. Whether he actually helps people or not is immaterial. Ratings, ratings, ratings. He's been called out for years by well known institutions and professionals for those institutions due to what he does on this show. His "help" has been said, by those who know a lot better than we do, to be at best, very basic, and at worst, damaging. But, in his defense, he can't actually profess to be giving professional help, as that would be illegal. He can claim to be trying to help people, but he can't claim to be giving people professional help. He is no longer licensed, and couldn't mix that license with TV entertainment, anyway, even if he still had his license.

As for the skin care and makeup line, it's not unexpected. Who is, BY FAR, the largest audience demographic? Women.

Time wounds all heels.


I agree with you, he is now just a showman and he needs to get his family out of the picture with all the free advertising. If he cannot give professional advice anymore on a one to one basis,at the end of the show he could always do a piece to the camera saying if you think someone is being abused or you are afraid to talk about it, tell whoever, whatever the topic is that day. When all those ladies are scammed out of thousands of dollars, why doesn't he have somebody from the FBI talking about what people should be looking for as to the honesty of these scammers, that might help a few single people looking for love. When Robin comes on the show gets turned off!!!!


Yeah I hear ya. He does it for a show and ratings. He's a bully.
I do wish he'd go back to season 1 where he had good intentions and truly help. He took a wrong turn when he chose Hollywood
I was just watching the episode with the girl locked in the closet. To see him playing to the camera at times like she wasn't even there. I wanted to reach through the tv and smack him good and hard
And sites state he says he practices by listening and then referring them to qualified people who have the time to help. He.does step in it a few times when he's said he doesn't treat guests because he's too busy. lmao

Robins product names are so ridiculous. She thinks they are so cute but it just seems like she's coming up with new names for teletubbies lol. And the audience is always so excited when they get free product.
A great show would be a full audience of people calling him out on his crap. That would be sone must see tv ? lol

Tinsel town has made him her bitch!!
