Kalli the College Escort
This episode was on this week. It was about the college aged girl who is an escort and now prostitute. The whole episode is trying to wake this space cadet up to the dangers of her lifestyle. She seemed to have no connection to what was being said.
The thing that got me were 2 things...
1) At the very end of the episode, they talk about the statistics about how sex workers are 51 times more likely to be raped and murdered and then they end and go to Robin's cosmetic commercial. WTF? We just got done talking about this girl being potentially assaulted and murdered and now we have to deal with his old bag of a wife and her nonsense products? It's just too much.
2) The second thing was about she wanted to be a sugar baby for Dr Phil. Really? That just seems like something that was made up for drama. Also, more reason to include Robin.