Idea for Live Action SR Parts 1 and 2!
Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Why: Did and excellent job with Children Of Men, particularly the one shot sequences and extreme sense of realism that was put into it. Really sucked you in and made it feel as if something like that could happen in real life.
Now people imagine if this guy did the same thing with a live action version of the Second Renaissance Parts 1 and 2.
* It would look great to see what the world looked like (live action) before Operation Dark Storm took its toll on the planet
*One shot sequences for the war sequences = win. Would look like a gem if filmed right
* CGI would be the only issue. Hopefully Cuaron could get ILM on board.
Anyone else with me on this? I really can't think of any other directior best suited. Steven Spielberg but he would never make it dark enough.