after watching this... the humans are not the victims in the matrix
after watching the second renaissance episodes, i have no sympathy for the humans. to me this showed that they started this. they created artificial life and treated them as slaves. then when one of them simply didnt want to die, rather than think about the fact that what they created has feelings and is self aware... they want to put it to death. then the machines did their own thing in their own city and all they wanted to do was be a part of this world with the humans... and we bombed their city. then we black out the sky to cut them from their main energy source... even though we live on this planet too. do you know how much life on this planet relies on the sun? rather than share the planet with a new form of life that was trying to be peaceful with us... we would rather severely hurt our own world.
it really changed my view. the humans brought this on themselves. anyone else feel this way after watching the second renaissance episodes?
think for yourself