look up to or just look at?

Images to aspire to or objects of desire for the male gaze? A close study of representation of action heroines across a body of holly wood films?

What do you think? is Laura croft used in Tomb Raider for young girls to aspire to or just for men to look at?

Please comment


I would say a little bit of both. In the first film the whole sex thing is implied, but not thrown at you whereas in the second film much less is made of any story and simply on showing Angelina in very tight outfits with nipples showing.


I don't know. You can only really see her nipples for a handful of shots, and even then it's not very obvious unless you're trying to see them. And she doesn't have one outfit in the whole film that is as revealing as the black one in the previous film.

I don't know. It's like they went out of their way to make her as un-sexy as possible.

Quantum Of Solace - the amount of comfort.
