Does Anyone Know The Name Of This Weapon That Lara Uses?

The subject says it all.

Here is a link to the picture of Lara & the weapon:

Thanks to anyone who comments.


Heckler and Koch USP Matches (with compensators).


hehe, erm, no not quite.
I believe (considering its length) that the item is a Bo staff, a japanese martial arts weapon whose practice is called bojutsu (thats imaginative). Interestingly it is typically about 1.25 inches thick in the middle and tapers at the end, so Lara would have struggled to break it on her knee like she did, also why does it break into three when she does this, and why are the (broken) ends perfectly flat? ooo the mind boggles.

PS. I just checked again and the staffs Hillary and Lara are using don't seem to be tapered at all actually. I guess its cause they made them for the film.

wikipedia article (where I looked), can be found here:


lol, i take it your not a lara croft fan cjeam?? he was refering to lara's pistols, they are her trademark weapons, the Bo staff was just some random extra. and yeah they are usp 45s.


they are

45 longslide's i think not looked it up so i could be wrong


when she is in the water she uses a p11 from the hk gun company its a underwater gun


Her favorite guns are the 9mm Heckler and Koch USP MATCH.
