The ending felt forced

The last couple of minutes where we see Gerard Butler get killed was a bit too forced imo.

For the entire movie he seems like a good guy and a pretty badass one at that with no alterior motive nor any reason for betrayal or deception. And then, all of a sudden he sees a golden box, wants it for himself, and is prepared to kill his best friend, or be killed, by taking the box.

It just all seemed to happen really quickly without any explanation or reasoning.

And also GB was the one of the best parts of the film!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned - Summer 2011


I kind of disagree, although I get your point.
In the beginning Terry is indeed mostly portrayed as the badass good guy, but there are two scenes/clues where he seems to be not that good after all. First we are told that he has no problem with betraying his mates/team/country. The MI6 agent tells Lara in the beginning and Terry tells her in the pagoda aswell. So obviously there is a posibility he could betray her too. The second indicator is the scene in the lab under the mall, where he indeed could have shot Reiss and actively decided against it, showing once again, that he is not "all in" on the mission to kill Reiss and save the box.
But still i have to agree, that him thinking he could get the box infront of Lara and somehow beeing surprised that she wont let him go with it, seemed a little forced, since he did't seem to be that stupid the rest of the movie.
And yes, GB was in deed one of the best parts of this movie ;)
