The Unofficial Gerard Butler Pity And Sympathy Thread
So here's the deal - in 'Cradle of Life', Angelina Jolie's leading man is presented with a choice that could not be any more clearcut, or black and white, or obvious. Either he chooses Lara/Angelina, or he chooses a box that must never be opened. Come on, Gerard, this is an easy one, on three, one, two...
Dude, What The Deuce???
End of movie, they each go their separate ways.
Two years later, Jolie does another big action movie, this time with Brad Pitt. Pitt's character must also make a choice. He has to choose between loving Jolie's character or killing her. Again, this could not be more simpler. Let's see what HE decides to do...
He decides to love her. And within months, they're happily married. The crowd goes wild.
As for Butler, he's been looking for another hit since probably '300', which opened five years ago this weekend.
Dude, she could've been YOURS!!!
In my mind, I'm picturing the poor guy with Kuni (Gedde Watanabe's character from Weird Al Yankovic's cult hit 'UHF') yelling 'You So Stupid' in his ear all day.
And oddly enough, I pity the poor sap.
Who else is with me on the pity thing?
'Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.'
- William Shatner, 'Star Trek 6'