Tomb Raider 1 vs The Cradle of Life

To your opinion, which movie is better?

I think that the first one is the better one, I don't know why, I just think that way...

What about you?

Out by sixteen or dead on the scene, but together forever.


To me they are both very similar, but if I had to pick one, I'd pick the sequel.


I agree. The second was better in every way, while the first was incredibly boring and lacking in action (the only thing going for TR1 is Angelina is much prettier). But that's not to say COL was good. As a film based on TR it is terrible.


Angelina looks hotter in the second one & dresses sluttier, hence my vote is cast for the sequel.


What are you talking about? She wears even more clothing in the second film.


I'd vote for the original...."The Cradle of Life" seemed a little rushed to me....

Urania to Terpsichore: "You're so quiet. Musing????"


I'd change the question if you allow me:

Tomb Raider 1 vs The Craddle of LIfe, which one is the WORST?

A: The sequel is even worse.


The first one was incredibly stupid and awful. The second isn't a great movie but it's fairly solid. I rated it 7.


They`re both terrible movies.


I liked the first one much better. Looking at Gerard Butler was the best part of the second one. I wish he hadn't died in the end. I wanted his character to be redeemed.

I didn't like the script for the second one at all.


I REALLY think the first one is ALOT better than the second one. I thought the second one got abit boring, and the ending wasnt very good at all, very disapointing. I LOVED the firrrst one!


the first one was WAY better, way-way better
the second one? yaaaaawn....



the two movies are great just like in the video game. including the stunts, fighting scenes, etc. just like indiana jones. may be they are both archeologists.But it too sad that angelina jolie can't do anymore Tomb Raider Films. may be because of her age.


Both movies were awesome. I thought The Cradle of Life was better. I thought the coolest part was when they jumped off the building and glided then parachuted onto the boat.


Both were great, huge fan of the games and the movies. TR1 has a slight edge for simply having Jon Voight and a cooler villain. COL was awesome, Jolie looked HOTTER as Lara and Butler was really cool, kinda hated the ending but it was still cool. COL had that AWESOME moment at nighttime when the soldiers getting killed left & right.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


The first movie is great. She looks amazing, it was fun and adventurous, good story, lots of tomb exploring, just terrific. I walked out of the theater in the second one. I can't get thru it even for ten minutes on cable either. It's absolutely dreadful.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Both were good, but the first one was better and had more oomph to it whilst the second one looked more of a retread.

Its that man again!!


Really enjoyed number 1 and seen it a few times. Number 2 is ridiculously rubbish especially owing to the relationship storyline with Gerard Butler.

Hmmmm puzzler. Bit of a puzzle.

