I completely agree with you Donald. He had been a completely stand up guy (sure he was previously in prison, but he was written as a good man to the audience), and it was out of left field to try to kill Lara Croft. She only killed him in self defense. He risked life and limb for her when he didn't have to, and even shot out a window a moment before she jumped through it just to save her the pain. He goes down there to bandage her wound, and then decides to execute her for money? DESPITE the fact that he's about to get $5,000,000 when he walks out of the cave?
That made zero sense, and a script writer needs to be fired for that one. So when he killed the love of his life and exited the cave alone with Pandora's box... then what? What was his next move? Lara's friends were outside. They wouldn't let him just leave with it. If he somehow got away and out of Africa, then what? He would be a wanted criminal again, and he clearly got caught once already. How would he be brokering deals or travelling considering he doesn't have any means to speak of? It's just pointless to continue this line of thinking.