How do you feel Angelina Jolie is portrayed as a female role model?

How do you feel about how Angelina Jolie's character is shown in this film as a female role model for people? and do you feel that she is a strong character that goes against stereotypes of female characters from films that are like from 10 years ago.


Yes, without the videogames we would have less action heroines. We;d only have lame damsels in distress.

A good example of a good damsel in distress is Evy Hammond from The Mummy. Even though she is captured at the end, she is still very resourceful and smart.

Not all action heroines have to be able to handle a gun. Look a Arnie`s wife in True Lies.


You mean Evy Carnahan, Evy Hammond is from V for Vendetta...

And I love Lara Croft, been my hero since I was 10 and I'm a girl. I don't like Angelina Jolie's portrayal of her at all...too sexual and not enough interest in what she's she's got brown/red hair, not black. Plus Jolie looks like she's on crack in the films what with those dark circles under her eyes and a complete lack of makeup...really shoddy jobs by the costume and makeup departments.


Responding to an old comment, but complete lack of makeup... if only! Tired of plaster faces. Besides, woe be the one who actually makes a movie where people doing fighting and extreme sports activities don't do so with a 10-inch layer of cosmetics on their faces. Sigh. It's stupid. I facepalm every time I see women in full make up at the gym, never mind movies where women seem to be plastered even in battlefields. Pfft.


100% agreed.

My vote history:


Me too! Not all women wear a ton of makeup nor want to. It's not required for everything.

And Jolie is my favorite actress by far. I love her as a role model for women both on and off screen.


COMPLETELY agree with this!
I think it would be absurd for her to be in full makeup all the time, especially while traveling and/or fighting off a bunch of bad guys. I don't know much about the original video games and even though I do have some issues with how AJ portrayed Lara Croft, the minimal makeup bit is one thing that I am glad was changed. The fact that she can be sexy without all the ornamentation is a good message.


too sexual

Hmm, fair enough

a complete lack of makeup

So you want to make her less sexual by giving her more make up? Whu?

And she looks beautiful even with so called 'dark circles' (the things that most human beings have).

-Black Mass
-The Revenant
-The Martian
-Hail Ceasar
-The Irishman


What I find almost disturbing is trying to take our "role models" from action movies. Or movies in general. Here's an idea. How about teachers, policemen, firemen, doctors, or the kid's parents. Are there not enough role models right in one's own neighborhood, that we have to look at film characters, actors, and athletes. No offense but those aren't typically the greatest areas to look.


oh so we only take the policeMEN and the fireMEN as our role models huh?


theyre just terms...

so he doesnt have to say policemen/policewomen :s

your opinion? is not fact.
hated the movie? explain or gtfo.
whining about it? grow tf up.


no, he may not have to say policemen/policewomen but he can say police officers and fire fighters instead of denoting the profession with the male gender. ah, the beauties of the english language...


Just so. If one takes a moment to think, there's almost nothing that can't be said in a gender-neutral way. As long as people aren't willing to take that moment, gender inequality will persist. Words do matter.

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde


Amen to that! :)
In Swedish, we have the word "hen" for he/she but almost noone uses it except me and a couple of queers. Yes, it's a lovely word. I am queer. Queer as in genderqueer.

Although I understand the importance of more interesting female characters (come on Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks! Where are the female protagonists and heroes/heroines?), how come no one talks about the importance of good role models for boys? (Most of all, I'd love to hear about good role models for KIDS/CHILDREN/HUMAN BEINGS). I think Hollywood stinks - their mentality is 100 years old and hasn't changed much. They should know that their audience can handle females, blacks and gays/lesbians nowadays. But they still just use them as stock characters: Look - the chief of the Police is an angry but goodhearted black man! How revolutionary! Look - the hero's sidekick is a leather-clad woman who's playing hard to get but gets soft in the end. But that's how women are... Look - the hero's uncle is gay and he's O-kay! We're so open-minded!
Pleease. Could someone make REAL people for once? The only female heroes I've seen on TV and could recommend as role models are Xena and her side-kick Gabrielle and that's a pretty silly show but it still manages to make something true revolutionary. But that was more than 10 years ago. Why are there still so few good female characters? I mean, even a couple of more bad female protagonists would be fantastic!


But don't some people need wise latino women as their role models? The problem with very attractive female role models is that men want to possess her sexually and women are thinking that they have to keep her away from their boyfriends/husbands. A lesser attractive woman might have more appeal.


I think she's perfect. When I heard they were going to do a movie of the game my first thought was Sandra Bullock but was shocked and excited about Angie potraying Lara. She did a GREAT JOB. Love the two movies.



Angelina Jolie was very beautifull , she was a bomb .. pitty that now she is a skeleton


It's hardly a good role model for women in general. One might perhaps think it could be empowering, but it's directed into inappropriate and unrealistic areas as well as using inappropriate means like, violent behaviour; portraying a woman with Jolie's build as capable of time and time again easily and quickly overpowering not just average Joe, but trained fighters and other "tough guys" in various hand to hand combat situations. Then there's running around shooting things and destroying antiques and ancient sites. You'd have to have your world view pretty messed up by radical feminism and more to think that was in any way a good role model.


Oh for crying out loud, don't you trolls have anything else to do?

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!
