why does laura kill terry?
I missed bits and peices of the movie.
shareThe villain (reiss) wanted pandora's box so he could unleash it on the world, and make an antidote and make millions or something along those lines.
Lara gets to the box and its floating in a cesspool of toxic stuff and she and reiss fight. reiss is about to kill her when terry saves her.
then terry tries to go for the box, so he can sell it for money. lara says she cannot let him. she kills him.
Whos Laura?
shareS/he means Lara of course, but actually, Lara's name was originally meant to be Laura.
shareI don't think he was gonna kill her though, I think he was gonna point the gun at her, but yeah he was gonna try and sell it. Also, OP, you should change the title, you'll spoil the movie for those people who haven't seen it.
"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.
How much money do you think something like that would be worth? I highly doubt someone as greedy as Terry would've just pointed the gun with no intentions of firing, it was either kill Lara and get money, or leave and get nothing, greedy people would obviously take the option that gets them money.
shareThis bit ruined the film for me..they were obviously mad on each other and i'm fairly sure she has enough funds/possibility of funds to keep him well off forever. Remember he says this will make 'us' rich (i think?) Well she's already filthy rich..
There is no such thing as reality only what we perceive through our poor inadequate senses
"This bit ruined the film for me..they were obviously mad on each other and i'm fairly sure she has enough funds/possibility of funds to keep him well off forever. Remember he says this will make 'us' rich (i think?) Well she's already filthy rich.."
That's the thing. Terry is beyond greedy. Nothing would ever be enough for him. Lara sees this. She has MORE than enough and yet he still wants more.
I knew Terry was gonna bite it when they had the conversation about him deserting his men. That set his character up as an expendable dirtbag.
I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
Lara's a true hero in this film. She couldn't let something like that unleashed to the rest of the world so she had to eliminate any threat (Terry) that might cause this, even if it was a really hard thing for her to do.
I post short stories online! :)
I thought it all happened really fast. They could have talked about it a little more and spent more time trying to convince each other but he hit her and pulled a gun on her so she shot him.
shareI realize that this is late in the game, but thanks for the gigantic spoiler, a$$wipe!! Also, learn to spell.
I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
This scene was stupid. Who would he sell it to? If he did find a buyer, why would whoever he sells it to be any better than Reiss? It made no sense he would want to take it. Lara was loaded, he was going to get 5M pounds from the British Govt. It was a retarded reason to generate a sad/dramatic end for their relationship.
sharehe was a lousy lay