Room 512 = Romans 5:12? (**SPOILERS**)
When Simon is running upstairs to look for Travitt in 2002 (the snappy patient that beds next to him from 2000), he looks at the directory and finds the room is 512. First and foremost, I'm not a religious person, but I couldn't shake the idea that maybe this number was used as a biblical verse. Sure enough....
Romans 5:12: "Just as sin entered the world through one man, and death resulted from sin, therefore everyone dies, because everyone has sinned."
This passage seems to hold weight with the film plot:
- Simon committed the original 'sin through one man' by having the affair with his brother Peter's wife, Clair.
- The 'death resulted from sin' came by Simon throwing Peter off the balcony resulting from their argument about the affair (then attempting, but ultimately not going through with, making Peter's death appear accidental by driving the car off the cliff).
- At the end, everyone died in the car accident (Simon, Peter and Anna).
The part I can't understand is how everyone dies because everyone sinned...Obviously, Simon and Clair sinned via the affair, as well as Simon throwing Peter off the balcony as explained above. But what was Peter's sin or sins? Perhaps it doesn't matter since it only took Simon's actions to invoke the end result, as the passage proclaims.
"Dying is easy; living is the hard part."