A Question?

What is the plot twist to this film? I have seenit and is Simon having a vision of the past and present? Is he dead and at the very end he wakes up? What was the point of the guy who had a heart transplant? What did Anna have to do with the plot if she was just part of the dream? and lastly why was it called, "The I Inside" what does that even mean? Thanks so much for answering these questions.


I just sat through that very average film thinking it was going to be the move of the novel by Alan Dean Foster.

It isn't.



" it was going to be the move of the novel "

Novels should never be allowed to move.

Avoid if they do.


The plot twist is that the events of the film takes place within the 2 minute period between 20:00 and 20:02 where he flatlines. The people in the ever changing stories are the people around him at this final parts of his life. As he flatlines, the brainwaves continue for a short while and his mind/concious is trying scenarios to join the dots. The I, Inside refers to his minds eye or inner eye, - which is creating explanations to justify events
