Lee vs Felicity

Just have to vent a little: I saw Transamerica and I was pretty unimpressed with Felicity Huffman's performance. (Never mind trying to figure out why the didn't use a man for the part, it's not at if there aren't a lot of fabulous queens out there.) I saw this movie last night and I am AMAZED that Lee Pace's performance was ignored by the academy, while Huffman was nominated. I guess it's probably because this was a Showtime movie (right?), but STILL! What a great actor he is. I rented this because I have a crush on Lee (those eyebrows!!!!) from Pushing Daisies, but I was unprepared for the quality of his performance. I was blown away. I hope someday is recognized for the great actor he is.

Ok, all done.




It's a TV movie, therefore he couldn't be nominated. With that said, I was completely blow away by his performance. He is one fine piece of man and made a terrible gorgeous woman too.

I would watch it again and again. - blinkmaneast90, IMDb


Did you watch the extra where they show how he is transformed? It was weird hearing his distinctive voice coming from this very feminine person. I loved Lee in Miss Pettigrew - he was really cute & sexy - much more so than on Daisies.


Yes, I watched the commentary about 20 times....sobbing. Just kidding. He was wonderful in this movie and is also on Pushing Daisies. I do think he's gay in reality, though. Which is fine. I just....oh I dunno, was hoping for a shot! lol lol lol


As someone said, it was a tv movie so it couldn't get an academy nomination, but Lee did get a nomination for a Golden Globe.

Pie is home, and people always come home
