What was Calpernia's boys name?
Does anyone remember Calpernia's 'boys' name? Was it Scott? I think that's what I heard in the dialog when she shows Barry her old Navy picture.
shareDoes anyone remember Calpernia's 'boys' name? Was it Scott? I think that's what I heard in the dialog when she shows Barry her old Navy picture.
shareCalperia's boy name was a very common male name, though i know it it is not something that needs to be shared. It doesnt matter because it is not her or has anything to do with her anymore. If you wish to know then I am sure with a bit of research youll find out. But is it that imporatant to find an identiy of someone who has worked so hard to elimate it.......
Indeed a very eloquint(SP) point.I agree to some degrees ,but I found it to be a simple & Curious question...
Blessed Be, Lee
Ever see her youtube video on "dumb questions to ask a transexual"?
She really hates that question, and probably with good reason.
Jesus wasn't a homophobe.
Nope. And it's not your place to decide it, either.
shareCalpernia only allows the adoring comments for her videos.Any non-adoring person out there who dares say something even remotely negative gets blocked.It's an oxymoron to seek attention and then be really annoyed at it.Attention is not always given in a positive way.Any actress knows that (she introduces herself as "Calpernia Addams,Hollywood actress" in every single video). And any transexual knows that....and she really needs to work on that annoying lisp if she wants to be taken seriously as an actress.
share Your comment is three years old I see, but the subject is still up-to-date. I followed Calpernia on youtube and on facebook and witnessed so many times that she would only allow flattering attention, otherwise she reacts pretty butthurt and gets rude. On one hand she's massively seeking attention and on the other hand she's constantly upset about not enough privacy. She even reacted VERY grumpy that her name and story is up at wikipedia and she asked for advice how to get her name removed there. She´s always referring to being a transgender who wants to keep up full PRIVACY.
Well, what can I say? This is not about being transgender, she's works as an actress in public and this is stuff every celebrity has to deal with. Your life gets discussed in public, no matter if you are transgender or not in that job.
She sold her story, made money with it. It's a sad story that made her name famous, but that doesn't protect her from people being interested in her.
If it is such a massive drag for her that people show interest in her person she shouldn't have agreed to make a movie of this part of her life.
I also watched that youtube video she made that got mentioned above, she listed what not to ask a transgender, what is okay .. but HOW she acted in that video was quite arrogant. She acted so darn prissy about people asking her questions and answered just like "No you DUMBASS! You can NOT ask this question! What do you think who you are?"
Other transgenders are totally open about everything, others are not. But she acted like you must be really a special kind of retard if you even think about asking her something about to her person.
Most people who ask such questions don't ask with bad intentions, they just want to know more and want to educate themselves about. But she acts all like "I'm not your open library for transgender issues, so please *beep* OFF! " I see how getting asked the same stuff all the time gets annoying after a while, but my god .. can't she just say she doesn´t like it? She used her special way of life to become famous, she's still active as an entertainer/artist in the transgender scene, yet she bites the hand that is feeding her and is offending people just for being more open for people like her, what in my eyes, is a good thing.
I don't say she needs to be extra grateful for being accepted like she is nowadays, cause that's how it should be, but I think she obviously cannot really deal with being a person of interest.