Shock **Possible Spoiler**
I just finished watching this movie, actually the extras are playing as I type. I was never aware of this particular story prior to seeing this movie on Netflix, I jumped it to the top of my Netflix list.
As I was watching this movie, I knew where it was going, so I thought I had braced myself for what was coming. But when I saw the actor playing Glover walk into the suite with the bloody baseball bat, I was nearly physically ill, and movies with any gore in it do not usually effect me that way. But what really did me in was the "interview" with Diaz. I actually cried my eyes out. I NEVER cry my eyes out at movies. I was in absolute shock, and I knew it was coming.
I'm just wondering if anyone else went into this movie, slightly knowing what you were getting yourself into, and finding yourself in this similar state of shock and awe?