MovieChat Forums > Soldier's Girl (2003) Discussion > Shock **Possible Spoiler**

Shock **Possible Spoiler**

I just finished watching this movie, actually the extras are playing as I type. I was never aware of this particular story prior to seeing this movie on Netflix, I jumped it to the top of my Netflix list.

As I was watching this movie, I knew where it was going, so I thought I had braced myself for what was coming. But when I saw the actor playing Glover walk into the suite with the bloody baseball bat, I was nearly physically ill, and movies with any gore in it do not usually effect me that way. But what really did me in was the "interview" with Diaz. I actually cried my eyes out. I NEVER cry my eyes out at movies. I was in absolute shock, and I knew it was coming.

I'm just wondering if anyone else went into this movie, slightly knowing what you were getting yourself into, and finding yourself in this similar state of shock and awe?


It was an extremely powerful, moving story, and the film was made very well. I was extremely moved by it, not least of all because it was based on a true story.


Yes. This movie, much like "Heavenly Creatures" is one of those films where you know what is going to happen, you see it coming, and yet when it actually does happen it's filmed so realistically that you feel like you were unprepared and it jars you.


@Jerome: I saw this movie at an event at my college called "Transgender Day of Remembrance" that pays tribute to those who have been killed as a result of either being transgender themselves or those who were killed for their connection with an individual who is transgender. Calpernia came to my college and spoke about her relationship with Barry and the kind of person he was and then the movie was shown (she chose to LEAVE the room while the movie was showing for obvious reasons). As a result of hearing her own account of what Barry was like and some detail of their relationship, I was even more emotionally affected by the more horrific scenes in the docu-drama "Soldier's Girl' such as that of Barry's death. I pray that Barry can rest in peace and I pray that his family and friends can find some peace.


Same. The murder left me reeling for days. It was the whole scene from the goading and then him finally walking toward the poor guy sleeping, and all that blood, and his head... Jesus! I feel nauseated even thinking about it. I was in a state by the interview, I don't think me or my partner said another word until the film was over.



You hit the nail on the head! The normal people are the most disturbing, and irritating and got on my nerves so bad it was hard to watch the last 15 minutes of the movie. It is probably the best movie I have seen in a long time, I wish I could have watched it with my husband, but he won't watch those kind of movies....and he has no idea what he is missing. I feel horrible for Barry and his family, and for her too, for having to live with the memories of his horrible death.
