Chris had an i.q. of 140?
This was said by the principal when her dad came to talk to him and the gym teacher about her punishment. Did anyone else find this hard to believe?
shareThis was said by the principal when her dad came to talk to him and the gym teacher about her punishment. Did anyone else find this hard to believe?
sharenot really... she was phsycotic and manipulative....those people are generally intelligent; however, dangerous...
shareshe definitely was not psychotic. maybe a sociopath and a bully but psychotic? i don't think so. she certainly came off as a dolt in this movie regardless of how intelligent she was "supposed" to be. she was base and acted only in accordance with what other people wanted... but i guess it's a matter of opinion if you wanna think that is an intelligent person. as for being manipulative and mean, well you can see those traits in plenty of low IQ people.
shareRead the book. Just because this particular actress "came off as a dolt", don't doubt that the character WAS a highly intelligent, extremely spoiled sociopathic brat.
shareIf she was anywhere near 140, she would know better. Bullying, REALLY?
The increase in human knowledge is the cause of the decline of religions.
Well having a very high IQ doesn't teach you not to bully. IQ cannot change your character traits. Having a higher IQ makes such sociopaths all the more dangerous because they can think ahead and know better how to evade the law.
He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklinshare
I was asking myself the exact same thing when I heard that! Her character didn't strike me as being intelligent at any moment... Actually, what she did was really low. But then again she made it to Cornell (I don't remember if they say Cornell in this movie, but that's the one in the book) with a C average, so it's all a matter of pulling some strings by her dad.
shareChris in this version was certainly manipulative and scheming -- but so catty and self-involved that I can see why one would think she wasn't overtly intelligent.
I scored an IQ of 180 when I was in high school (I found out years after I got out of school that there was even serious discussion about me skipping a few grades). Despite the fact I've been told countless times by numerous people that I'm brilliant, I got mainly low grades in school and have routinely done moronic and illogical things in my life. I've always had doubts about my wildly above-average intelligence, but "It's remarkable how often" brilliance and madness "coincide."
As a teacher, I'm a big believer in Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligence.
Wikipiedia could say it better than me, but in a nutshell - There are severeal areas in which people can excel. Mathematic, Spatial, Musical, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal...
I think it's safe to say Chris had next to no Intrapersonal knowledge, i.e. awareness of the needs of others.
well, Chris didnt come across as a bimbo like Tina. she wouldnt be the type of girl who gets low grades b/c she isnt intelligent, shed get a low grade b/c she wouldnt bother to study. she has to have some intelligence as she thought up the prank
The who whatting how with huh
not Cornell in the book... same as in this movie. "Nonetheless I see she's been accepted at Oberlin".. that's directly from the book.
shareNot at all, just because you don't spend all your time studying, doesn't mean you aren't smart!
and I find it even MORE believable because there are more and more case studies that show that Serial Killers, sociopaths and psychopaths... all have higher than normal IQ's.
I could seriously see Chris Hargensen being at least one of those, if not more than one...
You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!
Didn't Hannibal Lector have a high IQ? I heard it is true serial killers have an IQ,
shareThat line is straight out of the book. Chris only has an 83 average, but this is put down to her slacking off and not bothering with school, not lack of brains. Even with her low GPA, she's been accepted to Oberlin, as Daddy's been pulling a lot of long strings.
I'm all right, I'm alllll right!
She was a sociopath and sociopaths are generally intelligent.
shareSociopaths are all head no heart. Intelligence doesn't necessarily lead to developing empathy and often can do just the opposite.
shareChris struck me as an incredibly intelligent person and I love the one who used the sociopath example..."all head, no heart."
As for the grade topic, it is mainly about the effort that is put in, and sometimes, it has to be taught to you the right way. My mother and I both have the genius IQ and in grade school neither of us did that well. I was totally life focused and hated school. I never put in any effort. Everything changed when I went to college, and when my mother went to college she also buckled down. However, grades in general do not reflect intelligence level, just mainly effort, interest and/or the way the subject is taught.
140 isnt that amazing. My last IQ test was 132 and I'm pretty average. Anything below 120 and you must be a zombie.
I bet Chris's rich daddy pulled some strings, I find it hard to believe she was that smart.