Bonnie and Clyde?

Was that supposed to be Bonnie and Clyde that were trying to rob the gas station and Varlyn shot them in Season 2? Great scene.



It's always been a little vague. It points to something that might be very important in the overall direction of the show. If they WERE Bonnie and Clyde, who actually died in an entirely different way, it says that the show's storyline doesn't have to follow reality at all. We can't go by how things actually turned out with the bomb, etc.

I always thought it was interesting that they never call each other by name, and in the cast are just known as "Male punk" and "Female punk" (or something like that). If we weren't meant to wonder if they were B&C, why not call them by name?


That was one of my favorite things about the show. It didn't spoon feed you answers like shows and movies do nowadays. It might explain it a later episode or you had to put clues from different episodes together to figure stuff out. My guess is if the show had continued it would have revealed who they were. The show rarely if ever had a scene for no reason even if it was episodes later before you realize what the reason was, another of my favorite things about the show. I'm guessing if they weren't B&C, like the way you put that by the way, there would still be a mention of them in a later episode and how they relate to the plot. I' just started watching the series again so if I think of anything when I watch that episode I'll edit this or add a new post.


They weren't ugly enough must have been someone else...


B&C got popped by the police in Louisiana in 1934. So I guess they ones Brther Varlyn shot were imposters...

Fu** you you fu***** fu***
