Will Graham and William Munny

Unlike most who have posted here, I thought this was a pretty good film, the only part that was weak was the motive of Malcolm McDowell's character for what he did. I thought that the Will Graham character was particularly interesting, the way you find yourself as a viewer rooting for him to take vengance for his brother, but at the same time not wanting him to turn back to his evil ways. I found this character to be very similar to that of William Munny from Unforgiven. Does anyone else see the similarities?


Yes, I did see the similarities. I really appreciated this film for what it was. Some very interesting characters and a very good ending. It was kind of depressing to hear Will say that "very little is remembered about the dead". And what made it sad was that it's true.


Yes, the similarity of these two characters did cross my mind. Will Graham's line to Boad that he'll one day come back and get him was similar to Munny's utterance in the saloon about how he'll 'come back and kill every last one of you' (or words to that effect).

A third character in this group could be Viggo Mortensen in 'A History of Violence,' reciting his mantra 'Can I get you some coffee?' to help himself stay in character.


yeah i guess there is some similarity between the two, but william munny gets to say,"we all got it comin", one of the best lines ever.

scooty puff jr. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!!!


I haven't seen the movie yet but it sounds similar to Michael Caine in "Get Carter"


I agree with you about the film- it's a pretty interesting way of presenting cliched material. I agree also about the weak motivation of the McDowell character- his dialogue is poor and so his performance. Disappointing that one of the few things that is fully explained in the film turns out to be so underwhelming.
