Similar to Hamlet??

Anyone see the similarties? maybe i'm tripping.

will= hamlet
davey= hamlet senior (his father)
helen= ophelia
Boad= Claudius

anyone else see it??

in the begining, after Davey dies, will sees his ghost. In Hamlet, Hamlet sees his fathers ghost. Both Will and Hamlet seek revenge.

mickster and horatio both play the genuinely good friend who wants only to help. also, the only true innocent character in both stories.

both hamlet and will want to be with the girl (ophelia/helen) but both have to let go of this dream because their fate is to avenge the murder. Both Helen and Ophelia love the leading man but can't be with them because of the conflict.

Will and Hamlet both lead a life where they cannot just live, they have to live a life where they are slaves to their anguish and burden.

Both Turner and Fortinbras are the new kings if you will. They take over. They both take Hamlet/Wills place.

Hamlet killing claudius = climax & conflict, will killing boad = climax & conflict.

both will and hamlet have inner conflict of whether or not they should kill boad/claudius.

hmm.. well i can't completely put it all together...but if you agree or disagree please, share your thoughts. prove me wrong or right?


Yes. It's exactly like Hamlet. Will Shakespeare should sue for copyright infringement.
