MovieChat Forums > Angels in America (2003) Discussion > The Most Beautiful Movie Ever Made

The Most Beautiful Movie Ever Made

I saw it recently and goodness, I am still thinking about it.

Good movies do that.



I think it's the best thing Meryl Streep ever did. Definitely one of the best pieces of work Pacino did.


Meryl was remarkable! When I first saw that movie, I almost did not know she was the rabbi! Originally, she was not meant to play that role, but I think Mike Nichols and the producers could not find the right actor to play the rabbi. In the play, the rabbi was played by the actor playing Hannah. I bet they thought, why not give Meryl a shot?

Pacino was fantastic, definitely one of the best performances he gave on film. He created a character that was flawed, funny, and ultimately human.



I felt exactly that way when I saw it the first time! I was amazed by the depth of all of the characters. Since 2003 I must have rewatched it a dozen times and it still moves me. Prior Walter has a definite place in my heart. Rewatching it is like peeling an onion. There is so much that one misses the first or even second time.


All of the characters have a place in my heart, even Roy Cohn. Considering how despicable and nefarious he was in the film, he was battered towards the end of Part Two and the audience can feel that. The scene where Louis and Ethel recite the Kaddish for Roy was one of the most moving scenes in the film.

I have to agree: like any great movie, Angels In America is worth watching again and again.


I have watched Angels numerous of times, having a chronic medical condition I take great comfort from it.
And just like all of you so beautifully write it's amazing, and one that can be watched and be inspired by for decades to come. The wit of the dialogue alone is something rarely seen in movies, and it's wonderful that the play's script wasn't downsized to a large extent for the movie. Like you said, moviekid, each character find their way to your heart.

And I think all the actors genuinely loved the script. Al and Meryl really get the chance to shine in every way to the most of their abilities. Mary-Louise Parker and Patrick Wilson are the perfect fit for the Pitt couple.
Mike Nichols does a brilliant job directing not only the actors, but also really integrating New York into the picture. The gritty, mystical feel of Central Park at night, and all the exterior shots as well.


Meryl was remarkable! When I first saw that movie, I almost did not know she was the rabbi! Originally, she was not meant to play that role, but I think Mike Nichols and the producers could not find the right actor to play the rabbi. In the play, the rabbi was played by the actor playing Hannah. I bet they thought, why not give Meryl a shot?

Not many actresses have convincingly played a man, but Meryl did. I never knew it was her until I was told.



Yes! Beautiful, beautiful film. Superb acting.


This film is beautiful and genius. I definitely agree that this is also Meryl Streep's best performance I've seen, same goes for Al Pacino in my opinion. I also have to note that Emma Thompson blew me tremendously and Mary Louise Parker did too. Honestly every performance in this film is a knock out. I also love the script, score, cinematography, directing, editing, script, art direction, etc.



It's been years and I still can't decide whether it's this or The Godfather Trilogy. One of them is indeed The Most Beautiful Movie Ever Made.




I love this film so much that, as arrogant as this sounds, I pity people who don't like it - they don't know what they're missing.


Gorgeous, wonderful, heartbreaking, important, timely, historic, moving film. Everyone raises their game for this. I sure hope we see a 10th anniversary blu-ray. That would be wonderful.

Roger Ebert 1942-2013


HBO just reaired it for World AIDS Day. I remember seeing it and liking it when it aired ten years ago but I think I was a little too young to truly appreciate it in all of it's glory. I know some complain that it's too long and doesn't need to be six hours but I think it does. I don't think the depth they achieved with all of the characters would've been possible if it had been shorter. Clipping even 45 minutes would've had a serious negative effect.

I'm happy I skipped the football game and watched AIA again, even happier that I DVR'd it. I didn't have an HDTV ten years ago so I didn't realize just how beautiful it is visually.




One of the most important, beautiful and emotionally charged films ever made. It is heartbreaking and uplifting, all in one stroke. And the best ensemble acting I have ever seen.


You are correct. It leaves you wanting more.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


I wanted to see what became of Joe. Did he ever find happiness.


You are not alone. He was at a number of major cross roads for happiness. But didn't seem ready to choose any. While other characters seem magical, Joe was firmly rooted in humanity.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


While other characters seem magical, Joe was firmly rooted in humanity.

True, everyone else seemed to be touched spiritually in some way, except for Joe. Even his mother had a full on Angel experience.


It's pretty underrated. Not many people know about the play let alone the film. I think it also gets overlooked because it's labeled as a mini-series when it's technically a film divided into a mini-series.


Considering the all star cast line up you'd think it would be more well known.


You would think. These actors are in quite a lot of things, so it makes that certain things they are in are overlooked. I also think that people are more reluctant to get into something labeled a mini-series.


It's definitely in my top 20, and I agree. I think the film Maurice is more beautiful, but this is a gorgeous movie in many ways. The acting is brilliant all around. Heck, it even made me like the character of Joe Pitt (but maybe that had something to do with a young, beautiful Patrick Wilson!)

I love movies that haunt me for days and weeks after I watch them. This is one of those.
