I had a bad experience

When Mos Def's character says that he had a bad experience with, and is forced to repeat this he says "I'm deaf".

Did he have a bad experience because he couldn't hear the dogs coming to attack him, or is he merely irritated at his team members? I'm keen to know what this bad experience was.


Irritated is how I took it.

He clearly says that he doesn't do dogs. Despite being told this, Charlie proceeds to continue explaining the plan as if he was not even going to acknowledge what was just told to him.

For this reason, Left eye feels a need to repeat it and throws in "and I'm deaf" as a sarcastic remark about Charlie either not hearing, or completing overlooking the comment made to him.


Charlie wanted him to elaborate in regards to the details of the bad experience, so he asked ¨What happened¨? I think that Left Ear found it a bit rude of Charlie to ask him to elaborate on an experience that he had made clear was bad in the first place, as if Charlie should know that Left Ear would not want to elaborate on a bad experience with dogs. So when Charlie asked Left Ear what happened (right after Left Ear stated that he had had a bad experience with dogs) Left Ear said ¨I SAID I HAD A BAD EXPERIENCE! GOSH, I´M DEATH¨! To which Charlie and someone else responded by laughing because they realized that Left Ear´s reaction was justified.
