very unrealistic

...or i should say disappointingly unrealistic. Too bad they ruined a film with such a awesome crew ( norton, walhberg, statham, teron, green).
First, it seems that they already had lots of money, before they started any action against Steve (norton). I mean, buying two minis, lots of technical equipment(small cameras, wires,etc.), renting a train, and many other things.. cost very much. Maybe up to a million dollars. Ok, the gold was 27 M worth, but i assume that they invested only small part of their "savings" in this action. But if you split prize it in 5 men, each one gets 5,4.
So, it means that they were already almost, or even, milioners. Why would they risk more? Revenge on Steve? Allright, they could kick his ass, and that should level the score.
Then, idea of making theft in the middle of the day, in front of thousands of people, with three same cars?! isnt that obvious for the, lets say, police? They can track them down later very easy.
Where are the cops during chase at the end? Its like they owned the city, with no police on the streets at all, even after they made such a mess. Ridiciuous.
"Sometimes the risk is bigger than the reward". The sanctions for that mess they made (destroying public property, mad driving (in subway), mining truck, jeopardizing others life...) are extremely severe in US law. simply, it doesnt pay.
There is more, those four guys, with such a tallented skills (computer expert, explosive, driving) could earn very decent money having regular jobs. why would copmuter genius "napster" risking jail?
All in all, lots of unlogical stuff there. It could have been 10/10. This way, maximum 7, or 6/10.


It's a movie about stealing 27 million dollars worth of gold. Of course it's going to be unrealistic... The guys are obviously professional thieves who have done plenty of jobs before. They have plenty of money, it's all about revenge for them. It was entertaining and that's the point of the movie. Who cares if a few of the details were stretched. If you want realistic, set up a video camera in your neighbors house and stalk them. It won't be entertaining (hopefully) and should get you arrested but at least it will be realistic. + you can see what prison is really like and see how accurately it was portrayed in movies.



I believe they were at the point in their lives when it's the challenge of the job that keeps them going. Plus, they wanted to see Steve get what's coming to him for killing a close friend. I doubt they spent a million on the job, possibly half a million.


If movies were realistic then the whole business of film would be extinct.


The point was to steal the gold back from Steve, who wronged them and killed their friend/mentor. Simply "kicking his ass" as you said wouldn't do them justice.

As far as how much money they had before the job is irrelevant. Obviously they were well off (it doesn't delve into their backgrounds but one could easily agrue that they had jobs that like you said earned them "decent money"), but they also got friends in the business to help them out, like Wrench with altering the cars and everything.

As far as the cops tracking them down, they ditched the cars, they probably didn't "rent the train" so much as use their pre-existing connections like I said before.

and of course it's illogical, it's a movie. but it was good and that's all that matters.


First, it seems that they already had lots of money, before they started any action against Steve (norton). I mean, buying two minis, lots of technical equipment(small cameras, wires,etc.), renting a train, and many other things.. cost very much. Maybe up to a million dollars. Ok, the gold was 27 M worth, but i assume that they invested only small part of their "savings" in this action. But if you split prize it in 5 men, each one gets 5,4.

Investing one million to make 27 million is a very good investment. Maybe they borrowed some money.

There is more, those four guys, with such a tallented skills (computer expert, explosive, driving) could earn very decent money having regular jobs. why would copmuter genius "napster" risking jail?
Like I said, $27 million is a lot. I think it would take a while to make that sort of money by working in a standard employee.

Some people just like what they do. Many politicians are already extremely wealth but still go after trying to be president even when they could make much more in the private sector. E.g. Mitt Romney has a net worth of about $200 million. John McCain is worth about $30 million. These people can just retire and take it easy but maybe politics gives them a thrill.


they had done the job many times before so of course they had money
it was never about the money it was about seeing steve loose his money and getting his ass kicked if they would have simply just beat him up it wouldnt have been even. i mean he killed there friend and he was like a dad to all of them. and stole the money the had stolen.
the reason why police didnt find them was because steve never reported them and just had his own police or watevr you wana call it on them. he wanted them dead not arested and the punishment for stealing stolen gold bricks is just jail time.
plus if steve would have call the police then he would have had 2 explain to them how he got all the gold in the first place i mean wats hes gona say "were criminals and we stole gold a year ago in venice and then i stole it from them and kill our leader. and now they stole it back"?. i mean steve had a lot of money so theyr would have been no reason to get the police involved in it. also the police were all stuck in trafic wen they pulled the heist so if even they were involved they couldnt possibly get to them in grid lock trafic in hollywood.
and napster liked his job and helping out his friends they were all like familey. so they obvously liked wat they did.

of course its unrealistic its a movie... i mean minnins xcant go on train tracks even if they are gigged.. use ur imagination it was a good movie



Come on man, you could make a whole bunch of "unrealistic" comments about every movie. If it was up to people like you, the whole science fiction genre wouldnt exist. Neither would medievil fantasy with dragons and so forth. This is not a documentary. This did not actually happen. It is a fictional story so there is going to be some stuff that didnt happen. It was just a fun movie, if you want realism, take the history channel. If you want a fun story, watch this movie.

"I am Jack's cold sweat."


No truer words spoken.


"Sometimes the risk is bigger than the reward". The sanctions for that mess they made (destroying public property, mad driving (in subway), mining truck, jeopardizing others life...) are extremely severe in US law. simply, it doesnt pay."

Exactly! This is why there is no crime in the United States!!!!
