Could you do better?

Seriously, with a movie camera from the Flintstones with a f-ing bird pecking images on to slate I could make a better movie. The bold scenes that included mind numbingly bad judgement complimented by what appears to be a guy who tapes himself playing his Playstation. Jesus who would have green lit this? I mean really, when you heard or read or whatever that this retard was going to put FOOTAGE FROM A VIDEO GAME in the movie would you not have fired him on the spot? Or would you have realized this would happen based on his stellar resume? What if he wants to box now?



I couldn't make a better movie but a better story yes. I write the story and you direct. Uwe Boll will be jealous lol.


Are you kidding? I could randomly slap down ideas off the top of my head into a script and it would be turned into a better movie than Hou... ERM, SHACK of the Dead, that really says a lot about the cackness of this... "movie", if you want to call it that, more like complete and total bastardization, that would probably be the best way to describe it, if that's even possible, and on that, I'm fairly pessimistic (for this movie, anyway). In short, AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS!

"It's not who I am underneath... but what I do that defines me".

-Christian Bale (Batman Begins)


YES! I could make a better movie and have a better script! In junior high school, they give work like this a D or an F.


jeeze my 12 year old niece could do better thn uwe boll and shen been writng stories since she was five.

My Cats Tiger,Piper,Slycooper,Icky






If someone dragged me to a set right now, I could do better.
Given the same resources Boll has access to, I could do way better.

I like videogames. I like movies. In the name of both, Uwe Boll must be stopped!


Seriously, with a movie camera from the Flintstones with a f-ing bird pecking images on to slate I could make a better movie.

That line alone made me piss myself laughing for about 5 minutes, nice one, lol.

In response to the question though, although i've had no experience working on a film or directing, i honestly believe that with £10 million and a set that i could create a far better film, my film may not be paticularly good due to my lack of film creating knowledge but i can safely assure you that yes in terms of story and skill it would be better.


Ive seen better film on teeth.

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Helen Keller could have directed a better film, even if she'd had a javelin through her head.



I don't know. I'm sure it's a lot harder than it looks, but it would be fun to try. For example, since this isn't supposed to be a serious movie, and since I'm not unfamiliar with generators, speakers, and dancing in the woods, I'd have to include something like this:

It's getting dark; they're still on the beach. They decide to go back to the rave stage because there's lights there. Someone accidentally bumps a turntable and starts the music going. Raver zombies respond to the music by dancing instead of attacking. Our heroes blow away zombies in various ways. When there's a breakdown in the track that's playing, the camera goes to extreme slow motion while zombie heads explode. The generator is down to the last gallon of gas, and the heroes decide to retreat to the "house". As they're leaving, someone picks out a mix CD, prominently labeled as "progressive house of the dead", winks at the camera and sticks it in a CDJ to keep the zombies dancing while they escape. They have to conceal the guns and dance as they make their way through the dancing zombies. As they're leaving, we see two zombies attempting to do the "raver handshake" and failing.
