Raccoon City, Next Stop.
I read some of the posts in the "Cruelty" thread on this board, and was depressed to find a few cowardly miscreants defending the presence of the footage in question, in a UWE BOLL FLICK!! Animal snuff turned up in "The Deer Hunter," and "Apocalypse Now," and I feel no compulsion to visit the boards for those perfectly legitimate films, and express anything like outrage. Cimino and Coppola are real people. Uwe Boll is the biggest frigging joke, and the most persistent, and recurring boil on the ass of the mostly straight-to-video film industry, in general. He isn't fit to collect my garbage, or to sell Michael Vick shoes.
I wouldn't even have rented this thing, had I been responsible enough to check who directed it. I actually told the clerk, apologetically, at the video shop that I was a masochist for renting this pile of vomit, since I'd noticed that the three enthusiastic critical blurbs on the cover, were all three from the same meaningless internet source.
The clerk responded by saying that I'd "redeemed myself" with my second selection, "Resident Evil: Degeneration".
Maybe he's wrong. Might not be any good. But I'm scrapping this Boll thing, and heading for Racoon City, just the same.
Wish me luck,