MovieChat Forums > House of the Dead (2003) Discussion > is this movie really that bad?!

is this movie really that bad?!

I DID NOT SEE THIS MOVIE. Now that I got that out of the way, what makes this movie so horrible? For one, I didn't know they made a movie based of the game, and I love the game!

I'm interested in seeing this one but if the review's are that bad, should I pass?


It is simply not possible to describe how horribly bad this movie is. You have to go and see it for yourself.


If you know a thing or two about movies, believe me, it's extra-painful to watch. :P



Its so bad..... it could turn a Christian into an Atheist after watching this P.O.S.

Its so could turn a cannibal into a vegetarian

Its so bad....that the C.I.A should of used this movie as torchure instead of waterboarding

Its so bad....that the holocaust seemed...nevermind I won't go there.

Its so bad....I can't go on.

to the O.P.: Do yourself a favor and stay away from this movie at all costs



Bad acting, bad lines... bad everything... just take it for what it is and you'll be fine-

See Through

"Look up into the stars and you're gone."


"is this movie really that bad?!"

No, it's much worse.


It's still better than "Pearl Harbor".




Yes, this movie is really that bad.
There are not words to accurately describe how bad this movie is.
Many have tried, and there are many jokes about this movie in these
threads, but there truly are not words sufficient to describe just
how dire this film is.
The most unfortunate thing about it is, you truly can't believe the
people telling you things like this until you've actually seen it
for yourself.
And then, it's too late to save you.

It got one review of 'Less than zero stars'.
Another said 'Possibly the worst film ever made'.
There is a petition to stop Uwe Boll.

It's like a car wreck. You don't want to look, but you really can't
stop yourself.


"is this movie really that bad?!"

In short, really is THAT bad, infact considering you haven't seen it it's safe to say that it's probably worse than you'd expect. I wasn't familiar with Uwe Boll other than some fairly negative word of mouth when i first rented it, so i wasn't expecting an awful lot anyway, but i'd be lying if i said that what i watched wasn't the biggest pile of *beep* that i'd seen playing via my television.

Lets narrow it down, as an adaptation of the game, it fails on an epic level, the so called house is a muddy shack that must have belonged to Doctor Who at some point due to its ability to expand once you're inside, the characters and settings are nothing like the game and instead favour cliche high school jocks and *beep* going to the rave of the century on an island called Isla Del Morte. That means Island Of Death, why an island next to Canada would have a Spanish name is completely beyond me, and the rave turns out to be nothing more than one small stage with a sega banner on it and about 20 people.

As a film in its own right, it sucks even more, it has clips of the videogame spliced into transitions and during the action, which not only makes no *beep* sense but it's annoying, i could've saved a fiver by just going to my local arcade and watching someone play the game. The high school jocks also after picking up weapons magically become students of Chuck Norris being able to blast and kick the crap out of anything that crosses their path.

Truth is, i'm going to stop now, i've picked out the most obvious few flaws i can think of but the truth is there are hundreds of them, this is hands down one of the crappest films you'll watch, if you do decide to see it then i recommend that A: you watch it for free somehow B: Bring some friends and alcohol, you'll all have a whale of a time laughing your heads off and ripping this piece of crap to shreds.


I remember this movie being an ok horror flick. I was suprised to see how low the ratings were here and the bashing, but I want to watch it again because it's been a long time and I don't remember it.


Let's just put it this way: I never saw a DVD player vomit until I put this disc in.

There are no stupid comments, just stupid people...


Let's just put it this way: I never saw a DVD player vomit until I put this disc in.

Hahaha! That has to be the funniest comment I have ever read on IMDB.

Overall, I'd agree with the consensus that this film was just so bad, you'll be shocked for days that you actually bothered to watch it afterwards.

Honesty is the best joke ever.


I didn't think it was THAT bad of a movie. I have seen worse, believe it or not! If you're expecting to see an Academy Award winner, then I would pass...but if you can just watch it and laugh at the cheesiness of it (the acting, the script, etc.), and not take it too seriously (it is a zombie movie afterall), then you might see it as an entertaining guilty pleasure, as I do!!

BTW, sedativchunk (if you still visit this message board)...since your original post was from Jan. of '09, have you since watched this movie to see it for yourself?!

"Captain Sobel...we salute the rank, not the man."~~Major Winters, Band of Brothers


This movie is sh*t! Almost as bad as Max Payne, but only because I haven't played House of the Dead.
