not that bad...

This isnt a classic but its not as bad as some people make it out to be. Its a cheesy acted zombie flick that gives u what u want in a horror flick...nudity, zombies, cheesy acting, gun shootouts, decent gore and some cool genre actors.

What were u people expecting? Gone with the wind? Its a uwe boll film...

Don't hunt what you can't kill!


You also left out poorly filmed and the lacking of artist integrity and substance and the reason that these crappy horror movies keep appearing is because people like you gobble them up and pass them off as B-Movies. The B-Movie is dead get over it.

The man says he is a genius of the film making world but I am yet to this this. It's trash and not even good trash.

By the way Horror movies don't need gore to be decent see the original Black Christmas it's just as effective and there is little to no blood.


