MovieChat Forums > House of the Dead (2003) Discussion > Fellow net nerds, help me please!!!

Fellow net nerds, help me please!!!

I want write a book about terrible movies. I'm talking movies that warrant actual genuine serious consideration of that old chestnut, "What the *beep* were they thinking?!!!" Like, real amateur crap. And that's where I need your help.

What is the worst movie of all time to you? If you would like to elaborate why and what this film means to you, go for it. If you have an anecdote to go along with it (first time seeing it, seeing it at a midnight screening, etc.) that's terrific. I want to hear what you have to say. I'm looking for 100 titles.

Basically, this book will be written to you, the internet crowd. Because you're the ones who introduced Shark Attack 3: Megalodon to the world. You're the ones who bumped Snakes on a Plane up to an R-rating, and assisted in increasing its already overflowing camp value. And you are the ones who revel most in the skewering of obscure subject matter.


Dragon Wars, I mean just watch it and you'll understand. You could probably write a whole book on how *beep* that movie was.


Naturally Glitter has to appear it offends me on every level. I remembering watching it with a group of friends who said it was an amazing movie suffice to say I wasn't friends with them anymore after this incident.


There are two movies I would really recommend as standing out from the crowd in terms of total crap. Two movies that aren't even in the "It's so bad it's funny" category- they just stink.

The first one would be Species 2. I went to the cinema, the lights darkened- and this PoS started rolling. I still remember the shock I experienced at how bad this was going. The scene: A space station. Immediately zoom in on the large pepsi ad on the space station. In fact lets linger on it- so there's no doubt about who is sponsoring this venture into space! Enter some goo that is flowing down a wall- but suspend your disbelief for a second- this is how it actually moves across the floor. By the time the blob got around to swallowing the guy there- I had already decided to leave the movie theater and demand my money back.

The second film would be starship troopers 2. The first one had a charm through it's cheesiness- which made this one such an extreme disappointment. No charm- just torture. It made me really angry. The longer I watched it, the more frustrated and angry I got. It really made me want to lash out at something that something this crap would be allowed to exist in any universe.

Hope that helps, best of luck
