did the coach really quit??
remember at the end of the film when the coach quit? they made no mention of it if he did or not because not fat after that he was getting an award for HOF
did he retire then or did the town cave in?
remember at the end of the film when the coach quit? they made no mention of it if he did or not because not fat after that he was getting an award for HOF
did he retire then or did the town cave in?
i know in rl he did retire,i'm not sure if he really quit,though
sharei got that part but i wanted to know if he really quit at that moment
"i know in rl he did retire,i'm not sure if he really quit,though"
the true story (from http://www.chasingthefrog.com/reelfaces/radio.php):
Did coach Harold Jones really quit coaching football to spend more time with his family?
This is more than likely an element of fiction created to emphasize Radio's effect on the coach in the film. In reality, I found no record of coach Harold Jones quitting
coaching for any period of time. In 1998, principal Mike Sams asked the athletic director and head football coach of 14 years to step down from his position. "I just decided after looking at everything over the last couple of years that it was time to go in a different direction," said Sams. Coach Jones, upset by the news, responded by saying, "I was asked to resign or retire, and I refused, so I guess you have to say I was fired." Sams said that they wanted to hire someone who had more experience dealing with other sports.