MovieChat Forums > Bruce Almighty (2003) Discussion > Noticing something weird...

Noticing something weird...

I've seen this movie several times over the years and it's always looked like a normally filmed type of movie. But for some reason while I'm watching it now it looks like it was recorded on video for some reason?! I don't know if it's just me, or if anybody else has noticed this, or if maybe they did something to this movie recently, but it just does not look like it was filmed on filmstock for some reason now. I even looked it up to see if I can find anything about this and all I find is that it was filmed on film like a regular movie. Does anybody else notice this or has noticed anything like this before where you watch something that you've seen several times and all of a sudden it doesn't look like it was filmed on film and instead looks like it was recorded on video instead? It's kind of like the difference between the regular episodes of The Twilight Zone and then the other episodes of The Twilight Zone that they videotaped.


No idea what you mean. I have the blu-ray and it looks like it was photographed on film to me. Maybe you've gotten too used to that digital camera look of recent movies?


I'm watching it on broadcast TV right now (on AMC). Maybe it's been tweaked or something but it looks like video to me. That's never stood out to me before with this movie. And the only other time I've noticed this was the few episodes of A Discovery of Witches that I had watched some time ago. That show looks to me like it was videotaped instead of filmed, or rather in its case, digital cameras were used. Come to think of it both of these were on the same channel, AMC. So maybe it's just something about the channel?? I don't know, it's weird.


So maybe it's just something about the channel?

That must be it. Like I said I put the movie on to see if I could spot what you're talking about and the movie looks pristine me. In fact, it looks better than all these movies that were filmed with digital cameras in recent years.


Ok, so it's definitely something about AMC. Because I'm watching it right now on Bravo and it looks "normal" like it should. Like it always has. And when I was watching it on AMC back when I first made this post it was on several times and every time I would watch it, it looked like it was recorded on video instead of film, all three times. But now on Bravo it looks normal. And I don't know what it is about AMC or how they're getting things to look like video or why but it's a very very very very odd.


Probably an SD channel, or an SD file being broadcast.


I know this is old. But I’m glad I’m not the only one. Looks so strange I had to google it! I am currently watching on AMC and it looks as if the whole background is green screen! And it did not look like this originally. Almost looks like a play instead of a film. Very weird!
