Attention Tupac fans! Recommendations needed for study please!
I am a media student in my third year at university currently doing a dissertation about the evolution of hip hop culture, and I was wondering whether any of the users of this board could help me out with my research. I will be looking at issues such as how hip hip has affected the black community and changed society's perceptions, and to what extent the culture has been commodified. Part of my dissertation will be a case study on Tupac Shakur, and seeing has the uni library doesn't seem to have any of his films or documentaries I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me their opinions on the best ones to look out for, particularly documentaries - also books as well. If there are one or two which come particularly highly recommended I'll go out and buy them for my research, so your opinions would be greatly appreciated!
I am also considering putting together a questionnaire for this study so if anyone would be interested in filling one in please let me know and I'll post further details in due course. I would be very grateful for any help you could give me!
Thank you,
Morph x