"pave paradise and put up a parking lot" are lyrics from Big Yellow Taxi. I got the DVD and more of the song is sung when the closing credits are rolling.
However, I didn't hear the "trees being put in a tree museum where they charge $1.50 for people to see them" verse, but the others seem to be there. Hope that helps.
You're very perceptive to pick on this song. I think it's the crux of the story. Just as the singer got more and more extremist in his views, he excluded those closest to him and they left. Much the same happened with Lucy.
But she got it from both sides. Those more extreme than her (like her boyfriend) left her, and those less extreme left her for much the same reason - incompatibility. It looked like Lucy was only half-hearted in her beliefs. She practiced them only to get her mother's approval. At the picnic, she really binged on the junk food.