MovieChat Forums > 9/11 (2002) Discussion > Excellent article on Islam

Excellent article on Islam

I copied and pasted this from an article I read. Well put. What do you think?

Every time Islamists somewhere in the world blow up civilians, kill innocent babies or church goers, behead people, or organize threatening protest mobs -- which is now every day -- Islamic groups in America warn about and scold us for any backlashes that might occur against Muslims or mosques. They forewarn us against criticizing Islam. They even indict us when we wonder why there is no public outcry by Islamic "civil rights" groups or imams against what is being done in the name of Islam as well as the selected teachings in the Koran that justify all this violence. Any criticism is labeled Islamophobia and racist.

While there is hardly ever a backlash against Muslims or mosques here, there have been plenty -- loads -- of attacks and threats from Muslims residing in the U.S. against Jews and other Americans: here. It is truly a case of the pot calling the kettle black. In fact, it is the kettle calling the unused pot black; for it is not the Muslims that have been violated here but innocent Americans, the ones always being accused.

Perhaps these warnings against violence are issued because that is what their co-religionists would themselves do and, in fact, have done. Remember the destructive crowds, the burnt churches, and the beat-up infidels after the printing of the Islamic cartoons; the three week rampage in France, even torching a hospital and school, and poor murdered Theo van Gough -- all a "backlash" against perceived insults to Islam. Or, right now, the burning of churches by Muslims in the Mideast, and threats to suicide-bomb the Vatican, in response to the remarks of Pope Benedict.

Just a few weeks ago, a Muslim man with gun in hand went into the Seattle Jewish Federation and killed and wounded Jews -- because he "needed to kill a Jew.” It was his "backlash.” Over a year ago, many in the I-95 (D.C.-Richmond) corridor were killed by two Muslim converts sniping for "Americans." Recently, a Muslim student from Iran, Mohamed Taheri, mowed his SUV into a crowd of fellow students at the University of North Carolina -- because he was "angry at Westerners and Christians.” It is not Americans that are harming Muslims but, just the opposite, American Muslims physically harming and killing Americans. Not just there but here!

A couple of years back, an Egyptian living in America went to the El Al site at the Los Angeles airport and began shooting at those bound for Israel. In 1994, a Jewish child was murdered in cold blood on the Brooklyn Bridge by Rashid Baz, a Muslim student living in this country, who gunned down the youth, in public, while screaming "Kill the Jews." In 1997, tourists atop the Empire State building were shot by Palestinian Arab, Ali Abu Kamal.

You say you don't know about these cases! Of course not, precisely because Islamic groups here in America have intimidated law enforcement, the media, and politicians from disclosing the identity and motives of these deliberate killers of Jewish and Christian Americans so as not be labeled Islamophobic, so there won't be a "backlash" -- from us.

No question, if a Christian went to a mosque and killed people, his name and mission would be reported for weeks on end -- so that we could all participate in recompense for our collective guilt. Out of fear of being called racist, and out of concern for what Islamic groups might say, we censor the news, the identities and the motives of the American Muslim perpetrators of these on-going horrendous crimes born of religion and ethnicity.

In all these cases, the assassins claim not to be "professional terrorists" but regular people who follow Islam, impelled to kill not by a "career demand" but ingested ethnic and religious beliefs.

Even many spokespeople in law enforcement now feel pressured into fudging reality: these are simply, always, cases of "deranged" or "out-of-balance" individuals, they say. What they did and do is never a consequence of any particular teaching or reading or imam sermon. Just look at the hushed-up incident involving a convert to Islam who, a few months ago, threw a grenade into a group of fellow, sleeping American soldiers in his own unit in Iraq. Or, the assassin of Meir Kahane referred to as simply "a loner" when, in fact, he had strong ties to a group that later blew up the basement of the World Trade Center in the early years of the Clinton administration.

Strange, though, how none of the "deranged" Jews in America are out burning down mosques. Strange how none of the "out-of-balance" Christians here are not, time and again, target shooting Muslims in Dearborn, Mich.

In fact, in our craving not to be called racist, Islamic crimes against Americans can never be attributed to the true motivation behind the crime. We are forced to deny reality. Worse, we now know that Islamic groups and individuals here have actually fabricated stories of assault against them so as to make Americans feel guilty. Evidently, the guilt-inducement has worked. But why should we feel guilty, when it is not we but they who are committing these horrors?

We seem to accept guilt not because we've done anything but because of the accusation that we might. How clever -- freeze your opponent into silence and fear of defending himself by, beforehand, announcing that truthful revelations and normal acts of self-defense and awareness constitute racism, Islamophobia.

Newly-hatched Islamic "civil rights" organizations, representing newly arrived people, are cowering and silencing millions of people whose families have lived here for a century or even 200 years, people whose family blood has been shed to create and defend this country. How pitiful we've become! No matter who the accuser, or the source of accusation, today's neutered American feels a prima-facie guilt.

The elites who control our culture and determine what is politically correct have no problem demonizing over 150 million serious Christians, and assaulting their reading of Scripture, because of how a handful have acted near abortion clinics, yet berate us, all the time, if we associate Islamic violence and hate with Islamic teachings.

There have been Islamic protesters here and in Europe holding up signs demanding "Death To The Jews,” calling for the overthrow of our government and the religion of its inhabitants, and warning Jews and Christians of the “Upcoming Real Holocaust.” Never, to my knowledge, have such public pronouncements and threats against particular citizens or groups been seen or allowed in this country during our 300 year history. People have gone to jail for far less incitement, outright racism, threats and bullying.

Why on earth do we allow this? Is our fear of being labeled Islamophobic so great that we allow that which we would never accept if done by us, that which is counter to every thing decent?

There are preachings in mosques and pamphlets in madrassas and Islamic Centers here that call for an Inquisition of us -- those not faithful to Islam. Knowing all this -- and most of us do know this by now -- why are we Americans so acquiescent to the demands coming from these groups and so timid in our own defense, out of fear that they won't think we are nice?

Where is our own sense of righteousness and self-worth? It has slowly been sucked out of us by over-bearing liberalism, a leach that saps a people of its own sense of worth, leaving a nation lifeless and bloodless, a mushy protoplasm. Where have all the men gone?




Good to know someone can counter with an article that explains Islam (in a most excellent way I must admit) with a lame piece of work such as Loose Change. Anyone else have any input on the article?



It Shows how little you know abouthe Islam.

Be that as it may, a lot of what the OP is saying is true.



I'm not going to speak for the OP this time, and I'm not going to talk you out of being a Muslim if you are one. But if you deny that Radical Islam is trying to sheild itself from criticism by making false accusations of bigorty and racism, you're denying reality itself.

cause.. what elles is a Jew if nott the Jin* lucifer Mornig star it selfe
Frozen in fear like a Sun waiting for The final day.


what elles is a chirstian if nott former Angel Satan unable to stand and enter heaven again..

Lines lik this prove that YOU are the bigot, not us!!


There is a large difference between your post and the original one Ddey, in that you refer to Radical Islam, but the original post speaks of Islam as a whole. Yes you are right, Radical Islam does seek to twist the truth to its own ends. This is true of almost every radical belief on earth.

The original post (and I'm not sure if it is the OPs true view as (s)he did say it was a third party article) is adding to a problem that has been widespread since 9/11. That being that there is a divide being created, both by the Islamic fundamentalists and alarmist/racist propoganda like this, between "us" - the non-Islamic West - and "them" - Muslims in general. It reminds me a bit of a line from A Time To Kill - "Whatever way you see me, you see me as different".

The article above seems to point to a global Islamic conspiracy to cause violence and cover it up by whatever means nessecary. If thats not alarmist I have no idea what is. It says things like "the selected teachings in the Koran that justify all this violence". Nowhere in the Koran is this violence justified. In fact it is strictly forbidden. The Koran says that if someone attacks you and/or your land then you have the right to defend yourself. Its a far more realistic the Christian "turn the other cheek" ideal which we do not do. However it strictly prohibits attacking/harming/killing innocent people.

Innocent people to most of us (including most Muslims) would be non-combatants and non-aggressors. However the term has been twisted by those Radical Muslims to suit their purposes. Now anyone who part of a society that conflicts with Islam in any way is deemed to be an aggressor. That is not the way Koran intended it to be interpreted, and a "true" Muslim would tell you that.

It should also be noted that I have seen plenty of UK Muslim leaders and clerics come out against and to demand an end to the violence. They have all stressed that this is the very thing that Islam prohibits. Not being from the US I've not seen enough US TV to know one way or another what kind of exposure the moderate Muslims get.



Moderate Muslims do get exposure here, and bigotry against Muslims does exist, but it's not sanctioned by the government as some might believe. Groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations(CAIR) like to present themselves as being a Muslim version of the NAACP or ADL, but have frequently been known to side with jerkoffs like this guy. This is why the OP has some credibility... the keyword being "some."



when you clearly have no head.. how could you then ask again..

If @ssholes like you had your way anybody who isn't a Muslim wouldn't have their heads! And the way you people run a lot of countries, a lot of Muslims don't fare so well either!

remmber when you are att most is below sevent level of hell.

and Angel Malik guardian of hell is now guarding hell for you and likwise
.. while time passes to eventually Djugment to comme Malik whill make sure every once off suffering agaisnt you is a promise...
and whill only reawake you to suffer again.

so you satan and and your trusty friend Lucifer have no higher place in future to till D-Day,,, you are frozen in submission.. to time..

Aside from the rest of your gibberish, the only thing I'm praying for is a world that accepts that fanatics like you have to be stopped by any means necessary!



dont worry abouth.. me.. especialy when you cant differ betwene
oral speach and anal.

The way you write, I'd say I don't have a problem knowing the difference.



Semi_Ayeb apparently converted to radical islam because his father shouted a few scriptures of the Quran into his ears, and he thinks he was undergoing an exorcism.


You're on your own Ddey. I gave up on reading those posts on post number 2.





It's frightening to think of the amount of racism most people secretly harbor but obviously keep secret in fear of political correctness.

To the original user, you should go learn some history before you speak. Taking over countries and killing their natives/forcing them to convert to christianity is your method, not ours. Muslims lived in peace for many centuries with their neighboring christians and jews. It was christians who initiated the crusades, not the muslims.

And we're not the ones who caused the holocaust either...have a good think and do some reading. And by that I mean go to a college library and pick up some text books from some researched educated authors. And that doesnt include skin head articles found online.


To the original user, you should go learn some history before you speak. Taking over countries and killing their natives/forcing them to convert to christianity is your method, not ours. Muslims lived in peace for many centuries with their neighboring christians and jews. It was christians who initiated the crusades, not the muslims.

Sorry, but radical Islam is doing the same thing. Sudan is doing to Native Africans what Spain and the Catholic Church did to the Jews of the Middle Ages. And when the world gets on their case about it, who does Khartoum blame for it? The Jews.

And we're not the ones who caused the holocaust either...have a good think and do some reading.

Good. Let me recommend one: /0595289444

There are some who even suggest that Mohammad Amin al-Husseini gave Hitler the idea of putting Jews in concentration camps.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't make me laugh-book by a republican congressman? There are more educated authors who also write that the holocaust never happened but we all know that's garbage.

I made a mistake replying to you yesterday-racism and bigotry is an illogical concept for an illogical mind. How can you argue with sense and logic to a perverted hate filled brain?

People like you just need to be ignored. Go flaunt your theories at the next ku klux klan meeting.


Since you're going to be a complete jerkoff about the issue, I'm going to put away any civility over my position. It's quite clear that you'd rather deny that bigotry and oppression isn't strictly a product of the Judeo-Christian Western world. Radical Islam is far more bigoted than contemporary Christianity is, whether you want to face it or not! And yes, the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihadists DID side with the Nazis before and during World War Two, and with the Communist Bloc during most of the Cold War! And they STILL attack anyone and anything that isn't Muslim enough for them! Just ask the Buddhists and Hindues of Afghanistan!

I made a mistake replying to you yesterday-racism and bigotry is an illogical concept for an illogical mind.

No, you made a mistake by confusing hatred for radical Islam with hatred for all Muslims. Ignoramuses such as yourself do that way too much!

Go flaunt your theories at the next ku klux klan meeting.

I don't go to Ku Klux Klan meetings, ass-wipe! That's another myth you're living on; the notion that anybody who's pro-American and even moderate right-wing politically is a Klansman, which proves that you're not as logical as you THINK you are!


Amusing you state that the original user should learn some history. You should learn some yourself. Islam spread by the sword. Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia were all originally Christian. Did Islam spread to these areas peacefully? No, it spread by fire and sword. Northern Africa was Christian. Islam spread by the sword there too and tried to take Eastern Europe and Spain by the sword as well. The Crusades began in response to Islamic rulers cutting off pilgrimage routes to formerly CHRISTIAN lands that were taken by force.

So please spare me your high and mighty history lesson.


What a bunch of anti-Arab racist *beep* They're all terrorists, they all want to kill westerners, etc etc.. This kind of stuff makes me puke, and i'm European and an atheist, belonging to no religion. Just the usual excuse for "only christian-judeo" values and religion is the right one. Arabs/Muslims are not terrorists. Some individuals might be, just as some Christian, Jewish or other can be (that blow up schools, abortion clinics). But by default they're just as human and innocent as anyone else (wanting to live a decent normal life in peace), no inherent evil in them as articles like these would love to assume. Where were the same people when Timothy McVeigh (a staunch Christian) blew up the federal building? Where was the profiling of white christians on airports and denying them entry into the state? This only happens when its the "wrong" religion, or wrong colour of people, which just proves its simple racism and hatred of certain ethnic backgrounds and only selected religions (Islam), nothing to do with being fair, objective or truthful. People like you make me sick...

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