CBS will rebroadcast the film as part of a new three-hour special this Sunday, September 11, 2011. The third hour will reportedly feature a return visit with the Naudet brothers to the Duane Street 'Miracle House' fire station and interviews with some of the surviving firemen. Robert De Niro will once again introduce.
Thanks - I was trying to find it on my DVR. This helps tremendously as there were over 20 specials on the event. This is the only 911 documentary / special that I want to watch again.
Thanks! I had looked to see if the original was being shown, as I do each year, and couldn't find it listed. I finally went and bought a copy. We watched it the other night and were wondering what became of all of these people. I agree with the other poster about this being the only documentary I need to watch. I'll watch others but nothing compares to the Naudet's 9/11 for me. I wonder why this one is rarely shown?
As long as I have one ass instead of two I'll wear what I like if that's alright with you
I think more interviews. I didn't watch the whole original one. -- Ant @ The Ant Farm ( and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (
I watched the entire documentary on Sunday, as well as having seen the original one several years back. The last half hour or so was an update on many of the firefighters as well as the Naudet brothers. It was refreshing to see those familiar faces, some 10 years later, moving forward with their lives. The few that I remember (please forgive me for not remembering their names):
Tony (the rookie) - he's still a firefighter for the Hazmat group. Married, with a beautiful young daughter. He seems so much more mature than the 'kid' he was some 10 years ago. Although he looked terrific, I hardly recognized him.
Chief Phiefer: In charge of the anti-terrorism unit of the NYPD, looked really good and happy. Still married, close to his family. It seems that he's come out stronger for the experience of being in charge of Commmand Post WTC 1, even though his brother died during the building collapse.
Naudet brother (the one with the rounder face) - Married, doing very well. Other Naudet brother (I think this one was Jules) - they didn't say if he was married, but he seemed to be doing well also. Both brothers seemed happy and have gone back to the fire station visit from time to time.
James Hanlon (the firefighter/filmaker) - left the NYFD a few years after 9/11, doing well.
There were many others they interviewed, and many of them were doing the best they could. Several were having a difficult time with survivor's guilt, one talked of his divorce and obsession with the number 343 (the number of firefighters who died that day), another spoke of his drinking. Many were continuing to go to counseling. There was one more (the bald firefighter) who was injured and nearly died in another building fire years later. He never returned to the NYFD after that. These men were coping as good as they could possibly be, and my hat's off to them.
Then they talked of a couple who have since passed away, due to cancer. They suspect it was caused due to the inhalation of the fine dust particles during the recovery effort. The others now wonder who will be next to be diagnosed with cancer, and it weighs heavily on their minds.
All in all, it was terrific to hear an update on these amazing men. If you can catch this documentary with the 10 years later update, I would highly recommend doing so.
I just saw that CNN will be airing a Fifteen Years Later version this year. Looking forward to seeing this documentary again and getting the latest update on the guys involved.