Short episodes

I've just discovered all the series are currently available on Netflix!
I've seen a few back in the day and liked the show so I'm trying to get the gf into it so we can watch them all .

I've noticed the episodes are very short compared to other murder / detective type shows we watch.
I guess they're desinged to fit into an hour slot in the USA with the horrific amount of ads they have. So when removed the show id 40 mins.

Is that really long enough for a decent "follow the clues , find the murderer" show ?
Is columbo that short ?

on the plus side i can say
"Its late but we can watch a Monk ep before bed - they arnt that long"


Columbo was a bit longer.

Monk I'd say, was more of a light-hearted show than some detective shows. There is a sadness to the character, but there's a lot of humour in the show too.

It's not as much of a follow the clues sort of a show either, it's more about the characters and the humour. The length feels fine to me.


The gf is now a Monk addict , we're approaching end of series 4 🤣😂
