Is it common to read romanticism poems about necrophilia to school children? I didn't even know what Annabel Lee was until High School.
Why was their bacon in the soap?!?!
Is it common to read romanticism poems about necrophilia to school children? I didn't even know what Annabel Lee was until High School.
Why was their bacon in the soap?!?!
Schoolchildren in 1900 were taught more poetry than they are in 2012. This poem doesn't include explicit necrophilia. In those innocent times it could be read as a simple romantic story of love and loss.
I read that poem in 6th grade. I remember it very distinctly because I thought it was really sad. Necrophilia was not discussed, obviously.
Anyway, my grandma remembered reading lots of Edgar Allan Poe when she was in school, and that was a lot closer to the time period in which Ms. Barlow was teaching. She also recited The Raven from memory for a talent show when she was 10.
A lot of poetry is dark. The specifics often go over children's heads, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to read classic poetry. There are a lot of ways to interpret a poem. If all you took away from Annabel Lee was necrophilia, that's pretty depressing. It's a beautiful poem.
It's so stimulating being your hat!