MovieChat Forums > Holes (2003) Discussion > the problem with opening those glass jar...

the problem with opening those glass jars

There's always been something that bothered me about the way the character Zero opened those glass jars filled with peaches out in the desert. You'll remember that the way he did it was to smash the tops of the jars against something to remove their lids. It opened the jars all right, but wouldn't that have caused at least some of the broken glass to enter the contents of the jar? Those peaches might not have been so good for either Zero or Stanley if they swallowed some shards along with the fruit, but neither character seemed to make any attempt to remove the glass after smashing it. Of course, it's only a movie.....


Read the book.

The book explains how Zero had to use the shovel to break some of them open but the ones that twisted off easilly, probably caused him to get sick.

Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!Basil Fawlty


Thanks. I'll try to read the book as you suggested. But one question before I do so: When Zero broke some of the jars with a shovel, did the book say whether he had to deal with any broken glass that might have contaminated the contents before he ate them, assuming he ate them? Also, I'm guessing that if he got sick from the jars that opened easily, then that suggests to me that the seals were imperfect and bacteria had entered the contents. Just thinking out loud here....


Let it go. No need to over-analyze or obsess over a simple kid's movie.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Some people just don't have enough to do, do they?


Yes, Stanley mentions about broken glass and he was afraid but Zero was not.


Lol... when Stanley ate straight from the broken jar i almost felt my lips bleeding...

There's more to attraction than meets the eye.


Ditto on the lip bleeding!


That part definitely made me cringe. Maybe that's how the Joker got his scars.
