MovieChat Forums > Holes (2003) Discussion > What was the point of Twitch?

What was the point of Twitch?

The character of Twitch was significantly introduced in the second act and given an interesting backstory, but then the script did absolutely nothing with him. At first I thought he was going to serve the purpose of helping Stanley steal Mr. Sir's truck so he could go look for Zero, which would have been a nice payoff for the character, but apparently Mr. Sir left the keys in the ignition, and Stanley was able to steal it without any difficulty (well, apart from driving it into a giant hole).

Did Twitch play a larger role in the book? Or was there a cut scene that otherwise justified introducing a new character so late in the movie? Because as it stands, he's entirely superfluous to the story.


He did kind of help Stanley steal the truck. He told him to "put it in gear!" Plus I think a lot of his presence confirms the fact that "vacancies don't last long at Camp Green Lake."


That's the thing, though, any other character could have yelled, "Put it in gear!" There was really nothing that made Twitch uniquely qualified for that purpose. He was introduced as having an interesting set of skills, but then nothing was made of it. That's why I was wondering if he played a more significant part in the book, or if there was a scene that was cut from the movie.


I agree with you that he didn't have much screen time and what they did show doesn't seem to amount to much.

I'm under the impression that he taught Stanley how to drive off the screen.

Damn, I'm good.


He did give my sister and me a line to quote for many years: you shoulda seen behind the wheel of that red convertible...woo!
