MovieChat Forums > Holes (2003) Discussion > Was Kate Barlow a bad person?

Was Kate Barlow a bad person?

Was Kate Barlow a bad person? Was she a b*tch? She robbed Stanley Yelnats I. I don't care if she had a broken heart. That's no excuse for hurting a bunch of innocent people afterwards.


Hell hath no fury likea woman scorned


^^^^^^ and the church says Amen!!!!


What the other poster said; I like to think she was a different type of Robin Hood......



To quote Reverend Lovejoy, "Short answer--- yes, with an 'if', long answer--- no, with a 'but'.... The ignorance and tyranny of men caused her to become "bad". I believe that her story is the strongest part of this film, and I love the whole film. She was one of the kindest people in the town and loved an equally kind man, but once she saw what people were capable of, she decided to wreak havoc herself... Spreading the hate and tyranny. Summarized, by the above poster, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." It's similar to the Harvey Dent story line in Dark Knight... In my opinion.


To be clear, Harvey Dent didn't fall for a man of the opposite sex that was wronged, I meant the good going bad phase


My Babysitter is a Vampire had an episode with a mutant alligator. I discussed it in my thread "Erica Must be Staked".

In it Erica, one of the vampires, was shown bullying and hazing freshman students. Sarah, another Vampire, said Erica shouldn't be so mean and Erica said that was just the cycle of life. She had been picked on as a freshman and now she was doing the picking on.

With people thinking like Erica, bullying and other problems will never end. Good people are the ones who refuse to do unto others the evil that has been done to them. Good people want to end avoid doing to other people what made them bitter and unhappy when it was done to them.

If you do something bad to a bad person, he will do that bad thing to other people to make himself feel powerful. If you do something bad to a good persons he will try to keep other people from suffering the way he suffered.

The warden suffered as a child when her grandfather made her dig holes in the hellish Texas heat. If she had beaten him to death with a shovel as a kid it would have been a terrible crime but I would have called for a light sentence for her because of extenuating circumstances. And if she had reported him for child abuse and had him arrested I would have been fine with that.

But in her adult life she could have used metal detectors or ground penetrating radar to search the dry lake bed for the treasure. Or maybe used bulldozers to dig up the lake bed. She didn't have to brutalize juvenile delinquents by making them suffer as much as she had, and probably even more.

Subconsciously, she must have wanted to make other, relatively innocent, people suffer as she had suffered, to get revenge on the world. She wasted her chance to find the treasure by making kids suffer instead of taking the most rational way to find it.

And Kate Barlow, the Kissing Bandit, did the same thing. Many townspeople had made her, an innocent person, suffer by murdering the man she loved. So she made other innocent people suffer by murdering the men they loved. Even if she only killed townspeople she recognized as having tried to lynch the man she loved, she would be making innocent people, such as their children born after the killing, suffer something which had caused her great pain, the loss of someone they loved.

At one time Mr. Walker tells her: "Don't give me that! You robed every bank from Hell to Huston!"

If she robbed a lot of banks she might have killed a number of innocent men who had never even heard of the town. And if she really kissed men and then killed them, they would have had to be disarmed when she kissed them, so she would have murdered unarmed men when she robbed stagecoaches. And she robbed Stanley Yelnats and left him to die in the desert.


To be clear, she kissed them AFTER she killed them, so they weren't unarmed men.


She was an anti-vilian, what she did was wrong but you feel sympathetic towards her. Everything she did was based off of her rage for what they did to her and her lover. She was turned that way by her environment. A gorgeous woman in a town full of hicks, she was sexually harassed, and they shot her lover. She lived in a town with outlaws so might as well join in and reverse it on them.


Yeah, but she was not as bad as her disciples.
